You know it’s a good day when…
You wake up and find a nice yummy cover art draft in your inbox. Amanda Kelsey does such great work, I don’t know why she bothers sending me a first draft! The cover […]
You wake up and find a nice yummy cover art draft in your inbox. Amanda Kelsey does such great work, I don’t know why she bothers sending me a first draft! The cover […]
I’ve been slacking. Actually, not slacking so much, I’ve been busy with proofreading for my publisher, reviewing for an online review site, and editing my upcoming release Preja Vu. Still […]
Here we are, my new home on the web. Do you like it? Isn’t it cozy? Since Alanna doesn’t think I’m good enough to warrant a full fledged website *evil glare*, […]
Gotta love the editing process. Here… let’s take the words that you spent so long trying to find, and we’ll change ’em. You liked that phrase? Too bad. That should […]
Woo hooo!! Night Owl Romance has chosen Wyoming Solace as a Top Pick! I get complimentary comments from friends and family about the book, but it’s always nice to hear it from […]
When I first looked into the publishing process, most of the advice revolved around the word “wait”. Submit your query, then wait. An answer could be months in coming. Submit your […]
Dental work. I think something that hurts so bad should be free. Better yet, the dentist should have to pay us. I’d rather go through seventy pelvic exams than one dental exam. […]
Well folks, working on a new project. This one I started from chapter one, ignoring the books that have thousands of words already. Then last night I dreamed of a very cool twist for […]
This month, you can receive 10% off of your print copy of Wyoming Solace! Woo hooo!! Now through June 30, 2009 when you purchase Wyoming Solace from my Lulu Storefront […]
Clear off the bar, and climb on up with me. That’s right, it’s time for a happy dance number three! Liquid Silver has accepted my latest manuscript Retreat for publication!! Can […]
I can’t work when it’s too quiet. I think that comes from my 18 years in big-box retail. I need crying babies, ringing telephones, walls full of TVs, and overhead speakers in order […]
Okay ladies and gentlemen (and everyone else who might read my blog, you know who you are…) I’ll need everyone to cross their fingers or toes, or whatever else you […]
I just put the final touches on my latest work, a contemporary romance titled RETREAT. Both meanings of the word fit into the story of lost and found love. When I was […]
Spring is here! Wyoming got some rain this weekend. It turned to snow for just a little bit, and then back to rain, so in my educated opinion, that means only […]
Happy Earth Day Blog Hoppers!! You should have reached my blog from the link you found at: Do your part in saving water…SHOWER DON’T BATHE (Save even more water by showering […]