Springtime in the Rockies

Spring is here! Wyoming got some rain this week­end. It turned to snow for just a lit­tle bit, and then back to rain, so in my edu­cat­ed opin­ion, that means only one or two more snow­storms until summer!


I’m a sum­mer girl. I love the heat. I love the sun. I could spend sun­rise to sun­set on a beach in sun­ny Can­cun Mex­i­co (if some­one would just buy me plane tick­ets and lux­u­ry hotel room–email me). I’m one of those peo­ple who leaves her win­dows up in the car on a hot sum­mer day, and wal­lows in the 150 degree heat. I don’t even crack the win­dow until I break out in a sweat.

Why do I live in sub-arc­tic/high-alti­tude Wyoming you ask?

Yeah. I don’t know either.

Whadd'ya think?