My New WIP

Well folks, work­ing on a new project. This one I start­ed from chap­ter one, ignor­ing the books that have thou­sands of words already. Then last night I dreamed of a very cool twist for the end. No, I’m not gonna tell you! My hero­ine in this book, which is with­out a title at this point (big sur­prise) is mod­eled after one of my old boss­es in one of my old jobs. A tough all-busi­ness woman who I acci­den­tal­ly on pur­pose bumped into one day just to see if she was made of flesh and bone. Just writ­ing this char­ac­ter is giv­ing me an ulcer, I don’t real­ly see how my for­mer boss could actu­al­ly live this way! Okay, back to work. Have a hap­py and safe Inde­pen­dence Day, don’t drink and dri­ve, and aim those fire­works AWAY from your face 🙂

Whadd'ya think?