Earth Day Blog Hop
Join me along with other Liquid Silver Books authors this Wednesday, Earth Day, for a blog hopping experience that’s sure to put you in a green state of mind! We’ll be starting […]
Join me along with other Liquid Silver Books authors this Wednesday, Earth Day, for a blog hopping experience that’s sure to put you in a green state of mind! We’ll be starting […]
Now you can find Wyoming Solace for download at two separate sites, Liquid Silver Books, and now Fictionwise! Even though I’d rather everyone still purchase from LSB, i think Fictionwise will […]
You see I haven’t blogged in a while. I’ve had a rough week. When my laptop died in my arms, I thought that was bad enough. I hadn’t backed up my works in progress for […]
As yet untitled, or hesitantly titled either Preja Vu, or Preview, I haven’t yet found one that smiles at me. Feel free to submit suggestions! 🙂 You look like shit.” Ryann looked at […]
Alright, my work in progress needs a title… My heroine Ryann is a woman who has prophetic dreams. Every night she dreams about something that will come to fruition somewhere in the […]
I’m a horrible movie-goer. I judge by the previews and trailers whether I want to see the movie, and then I make the decision of seeing the flick either in the theater or wait […]
Too bad this is too late for Valentine’s Day. Maybe you and your significant other are celebrating an anniversary, or perhaps wait until next February 14th, because this is just […]
As an update, as if you need one…today, one day after receiving my replacement, I promptly dropped it in the toilet. Yeah. Thank God it was “before” and not “after” Pray […]
So my phone stopped working. Not completely, I could still do everything on it except make or receive phone calls. I’m always surprised, and a little ashamed when I can’t get through a day […]
Happy Valentines Day Blog Hoppers! You should have just come from Savanna Kougar’s blog at If not, you’re line jumping, and that’s a faux pas! 🙂 But if you got […]
Yeah, I’m an author on Olivia’s blog, but I let Olivia do all the talking here. Â If you’d like to see what is going on on my side of the brain, […]
I wanted a character who wasn’t the typical nice-guy. I needed someone who was hard-edged. disillusioned. My editor Deanna suggested that I “settle into a character’s brain”, so I did, and wrote a few chapters. […]
Maybe it isn’t so much writers block, as laziness and spongebob marathons on Saturdays. Who can focus on writing steamy scenes when Squidward is playing the clarinet?! There are times […]
Groundhog Day February Second. I never really understood the whole “Groundhog-seeing-his-shadow” thing. Isn’t March 20th the official first day of spring, no matter what the big ol rodent says? Of course here […]