Get to work!

I’ve been slack­ing. Actu­al­ly, not slack­ing so much, I’ve been busy with proof­read­ing for my pub­lish­er, review­ing for an online review site, and edit­ing my upcom­ing release Pre­ja Vu. Still I look at my WIP and sigh. Not much has changed on that thing in almost a week.

It seems like I do that though, I slack for a while, then I hit it full force and write 10k in a day. (Okay, not real­ly. I think 6k is my all time record, but 10k would be pret­ty nice.)

Edits are going well, my new edi­tor Sharis is won­der­ful! First round is done, and vir­tu­al­ly pain­less. knock on wood

I’ve also decid­ed to walk my dog on a dai­ly basis. Oh yeah, that’s right. Me. Exer­cis­ing. Can you believe it? I wore a pedome­ter for a while when I worked as a man­ag­er at Wal Mart. I aver­aged 15 miles. Now I walk the mutt around the park and I’m winded.

2 thoughts on “Get to work!

  1. Yeah, I’ve hit a dry spell too this week. Some­times I’m all fired up and some­times I just can’t make myself care. SOme­how things seem to get writ­ten, but it’s always a struggle.

  2. Oh I’m glad to know that it isn’t just me! I *real­ly* can’t wait for the kids to go back to school 🙂

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