Six Sentence Sunday 5/22/11


Back for more SSS? I’m still catch­ing up from last week! I don’t think I’ve made it to all par­tic­i­pat­ing blogs in weeks.

Okay. On with the story:

Brynn felt the unchar­ac­ter­is­tic urge to cry.

Cade checked the flu­ids attached to her IV. “Susan’s right. The police are right out­side the door. They’re wait­ing to talk to you. You might as well just tell it once.”

Short sen­tences. You got ripped off! Sor­ry guys. I don’t make the rules.

Have a great week. Be sure to vis­it the oth­er SSSers at the Offi­cial Website.

Six Sentence Sunday 5/15/11

Wel­come back! I hope you’re enjoy­ing your tour through the fab­u­lous SSSers out there. Get the whole list of par­tic­i­pants at the Offi­cial Site.

Okay, on with the nev­er-end­ing story…

Don’t talk any­more Brynn. Save your strength.” Susan gripped Brynn’s hand. She had no fam­i­ly to wor­ry over her, and now she didn’t even have a hus­band and the promise of chil­dren. Susan was her rock. Her flighty, fluffy, some­times sil­ly rock.


That’s it for me. Have a great week everyone!

Six Sentence Sunday 5/8/11

Wel­come back! Anoth­er big list of SSSers today. Good gravy, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get to all of the sites like I used to!

Hap­py Moth­er’s Day to all of you moth­ers! Too bad I don’t have a moth­er­ly post today, just more from my stalled work in progress. Con­tin­u­ing from last week:

Hurts…here,” she whispered.

You’ve been through a lit­tle bit of hell Brynn. We got you all fixed up though.” Cade shone the light into each of her eyes. “You’re going to be pret­ty weak for a while, you lost a lot of blood.”

The bright light zapped her ener­gy, and she closed her eyes until the stars stopped pop­ping behind her lids. “Stabbed…”

That’s it for me. I’m spend­ing my Moth­er’s Day work­ing for The Man. Send choco­late. Be sure to check out the oth­er SSSers on the Offi­cial Website!


Six Sentence Sunday 4/30/11

Hap­py Sun­day! As usu­al, I’m at work, while you are all enjoy­ing the pletho­ra of posts. I hope at least one of you said “Awwww” just now. For those who did, you’re my favorites.

On with the story:

Cade stood beside Susan, and pulled out a pen light. “Feel­ing any pain?”
Brynn assessed each body part. She was weak, the same way she felt after a five kilo­me­ter run. With­out train­ing. She touched her stom­ach, and even through the gauze and cloth tape, she winced at the pressure.

Hm. Six real­ly aren’t enough some­times. Maybe we should have six­teen sen­tences some days, just for kicks 🙂

All right. Be sure to vis­it the oth­er SSSers at the Offi­cial Site. Have a great week!

Six Sentence Sunday 4/24/11

Hap­py East­er! I hope you’re hav­ing a great week­end, filled with choco­late and marsh­mal­lows. Or maybe spi­ral cut ham and turkey! 🙂

I’m also involved in a blog hop! If you would like a chance to win a pletho­ra of prizes includ­ing a Nook, join me at the JustRomance.Me Year of the Rab­bit hop. Lots of SSS par­tic­i­pants are there, and we had fun with a ran­dom sto­ry generator.

Okay, on with the story:

As though an out­side source was required to make her body behave, her eyes opened. It took a minute for the room to come in to focus.

Oh my God. Brynn. You’re alive.”

Brynn moved her eyes to her friend. Susan’s blue eyes were wide as saucers, her face pale and tight.

Hey lady. Gave us quite the scare.”

That’s it for me. Thanks again for stop­ping by! I’ll be chat­ting this evening at Gem Sivad’s Chat Room at 7pm EST if you’d like to join me. Noth­ing to join or sign up for, just click to enter the room and chat with a pletho­ra of authors and read­ers. Hope to see you there, and “meet” you


Year of the Rabbit Blog Hop

Wel­come! If you’re here with­out the nifty tool bar, click HERE to join the fun!

Hope you’re enjoy­ing your East­er romp through Blog­topia! I was so excit­ed when I got the fol­low­ing words for my story:

Char­ac­ters: Movie Star, drum­mer, hit man Adjec­tives: Nympho­ma­ni­a­cal, bril­liant, hun­gry Set­ting: Salon

I mean real­ly. I’m an erot­ic romance author, and I get to write about a nympho­ma­ni­a­cal movie star? That’s just a giftwrapped idea. But as I sat down to write, it turns out the gen­der stereo­types got mud­dled in my head, and I…well.…just read on.

Bloody foot­prints. What a way to start the week­end. Only an ama­teur left evi­dence like this behind, and Sha­ni­ah was no ama­teur. She let loose with a string of curses.

The cop­pery scent of blood filled the air, and that familiar–yet for­ev­er eerie–energy of a life force leav­ing the earth sur­round­ed her. Usu­al­ly at this point in her job, she felt relief at com­plet­ing yet anoth­er hit. But now she glared down at the damn bloody foot­prints. Her footprints.  Now she had less than thir­teen min­utes to think of a new plan. Her stom­ach lurched, a long-for­got­ten sen­sa­tion of anx­i­ety flood­ed through her.

Or maybe she was just hun­gry.

She rubbed her bel­ly, then leaned over to tuck her gun into the hol­ster on her ankle. She’d eat when she fin­ished here.  God, she hat­ed clean-up duty. Good thing she was in a salon, with plen­ty of chem­i­cals at her disposal.

The movie star lying in a pool of his own blood looked noth­ing like the famous guy on the block­buster posters. Now he just looked like every oth­er job. Pale. Silent. Still.


Sha­ni­ah snick­ered. Stiff.  It wouldn’t sur­prise her if she rolled him over and found him stiff all over. Ryan Smart was known for his sex­u­al escapades. Prob­a­bly cer­ti­fi­ably nympho­ma­ni­a­cal. His lat­est lover, a bril­liant drum­mer, was the only rea­son Sha­ni­ah felt even the small­est twinge of remorse. She loved his band.

She shoved the emo­tion aside. Eleven min­utes left. Then her week­end could real­ly begin.

Now, I guess I could go on, and Sha­ni­ah could find anoth­er nice hit­man and they could fall in love and have nice lit­tle hit­ba­bies, but that’s a whole lot to read.  Sor­ry about the lack of heat in this one, so in con­so­la­tion, you can all down­load Tempt­ing Tes­sa, my free read which has plen­ty of heat.

I’ll be in Gem’s Chat Room on Sun­day at 7pm EST. I hope to see you there. Thanks for stop­ping by, and have a great Easter.

The Year of the Rabbit Blog Hop

Wel­come! If you’re just hap­pen­ing across this post, click HERE to get start­ed on a hop across the webosphere. I hope you’re hav­ing a great East­er week­end. We like to use a loose inter­pre­ta­tion of East­er Can­dy around here. Eye can­dy has a lot few­er calo­ries than the oth­er kind, so help your­self to all the treats you’d like!

Here’s how it worked. Blog­gers went to, where a ran­dom selec­tion of char­ac­ters, adjec­tives, and a set­ting were gen­er­at­ed. Also, we were giv­en the first line: Bloody foot­prints. What a way to start the week­end. and a line of dia­logue: “Maybe you should take off your shirt.”. After that, the sky’s the limit.

I liked our mas­cot so much, I made a screen­shot of my scene gen­er­a­tor, so you can see what I had to work with, as well as drool a bit on that sexy tat.

There you have it. My gen­er­at­ed scene. So here we go:

Bloody foot­prints. What a way to start the week­end.” The Sous Chef scowled at the floor behind the crowd invad­ing his domain. His big flop­py feet and Cock­ney accent gave the man a car­i­ca­ture feel.  He con­tin­ued mum­bling about dirty feet as he con­tin­ued through the kitchen.

Well, her date gets props for cre­ativ­i­ty. Cas­sidy dried her hands, and threw the paper tow­el in the humon­gous trash can.  She’d nev­er even been inside a restau­rant kitchen before, but now here she was on a blind date, learn­ing cook­ing tips from one of the city’s most famous chefs.

Do you like to cook?” Scott’s voice washed over her like a cup of warm syrup. Rich and sinful.

Cas­sidy looked up at her date. As a ski instruc­tor, his gor­geous face was tanned, oth­er than a clear shape around his eyes where his ski gog­gles kept the skin a lighter shade.  She could pic­ture him on the slopes, steal­ing the hearts of all of his female stu­dents. His grin was irre­sistible. Along with the rest of him. It was a relief that Lara had set them up with­out telling Scott that she was wealthy. Now she could just be a reg­u­lar ordi­nary woman on a reg­u­lar ordi­nary date.  All he knew was that she worked in a bank.

He didn’t know that she owned sev­en of them.

She blinked a few times to remem­ber the ques­tion. “Oh. Yes, I do. It’s the clean­ing up after myself that I don’t like. How about you?”

He stepped aside polite­ly to fol­low her to the prep table, where they stood shoul­der to shoul­der with the rest of the cook­ing class.  She gave him points for manners.

I make a mean lasagna.” The look in his eye promised many sin­ful things, Ital­ian food wasn’t even in the back of her mind.

Before she could men­tal­ly undress him, Cas­sidy focused on the emp­ty cut­ting board in front of her.

I don’t see what the big deal is. Inter­ac­tive Restau­rant? That just means that they’re get­ting paid for me doing my own cook­ing.”  Pete, the elder­ly guy on the oth­er side of the table, growled. Pete was a retired postal work­er who claimed to have been dragged here by his wife of six­ty years.

Will you light­en up? Any­thing is bet­ter than sit­ting in front of the boob-tube.” His wife swat­ted his arm play­ful­ly. “Now don’t ruin this for the rest of us.”

Scott’s laugh was as sexy as his voice.

Cas­sidy gave her­self vir­tu­al slap in the face. This man was way too adorable to have a nor­mal per­son­al­i­ty. No use falling for him on the first date, before the psy­chot­ic side came out. There must be some­thing wrong with him.

She man­aged to pay atten­tion to Chef Ger­ald, and even laughed along with Scott as he spent much longer than nec­es­sary chop­ping his vegetables.  His frus­tra­tion with the tedious tasks made the rest of the table laugh. Even Pete labeled him can­tan­ker­ous. The high­light of the evening was when he leaned against the oven. His sleeve caught fire, he jerked back in reac­tion, and poured a bowl of cold mari­nara sauce over his arm to douse the flames. His shouts shouldn’t have been com­i­cal, but sev­er­al of the ama­teur cooks snick­ered behind their hands.

Cas­sidy man­aged to keep a straight face as she came to his res­cue. She unbut­toned his shirt, thank­ful that he wore a clean undershirt.  She added more points to his tal­ly. “Maybe you should take off your shirt.”

Nice chest. Mus­cu­lar pecs clear­ly defined beneath the tee-shirt. And he smelled real­ly good.

She must have enjoyed the task a bit too much, because she was sud­den­ly aware of a cho­rus of jeers from the oth­ers. She hand­ed him his soiled shirt with an awk­ward grin.

Still, once things set­tled down, and they returned to work, she swore she didn’t bump his hip on pur­pose, and would nev­er admit to reach­ing into his space just to get anoth­er whiff of his cologne. The cook­ing class was a per­fect place for a first date. No awk­ward silences, and the oth­er par­tic­i­pants gave her a cush­ion from the blind-date pressure.

Maybe you should think about quit­ting your cushy job at the bank.” Scott nudged her elbow with his. “Your bruschet­ta looks a whole lot bet­ter than mine.”

She smiled, feel­ing an insane amount of plea­sure from the sim­ple com­pli­ment. “Well, the true test will be in taste.”

The heat in his eyes burned right through her clothes, and she had to stop her­self from fan­ning her face with a spatula.

Tell ya what.” He stepped clos­er, until she could feel the heat com­ing off his body. “If it pass­es muster, I’ll make the Lasagna, and you can make the bruschetta.”


I always feel bad leav­ing the cou­ple just as things are heat­ing up.  Oh well, on to the next blog post! Hope you’re hav­ing a good time. I’ll be chat­ting at Gem’s Chat Room on Sun­day evening 7pm EST. Hope to meet you there! We’ll draw the win­ners dur­ing chat, and one of you will win a copy of my con­tem­po­rary west­ern romance Retreat.

Hap­py Easter!


Six Sentence Sunday 4/17/11

Howdy! Wel­come back for six more of my WiP, a roman­tic sus­pense on my back burn­er until I work out a plot twist. Some­times being a pantser is tough, but I would­n’t have it any oth­er way.

She hadn’t real­ized how cold she was until she felt Susan’s warmth. “I heard that. Did you hear it Doc­tor Jensen?”

Yes,” Cade’s voice was less fran­tic than Susan’s, and he no longer sound­ed like he was a bad record­ing. “Brynn? Come on now. It’s time to wake up. Open your eyes. Brynn…”


Thanks for stop­ping by! Be sure to stop by the Six Sen­tence Sun­day Offi­cial Web­site for more great samples

Easter Hoppin’ Blog Hop

Wel­come! Thanks for tak­ing a break from dying eggs and taste-test­ing the East­er can­dy with us! On my blog, I’m going to give away the win­ner’s choice of my back­list ebooks. All you have to do is tell me the sto­ry behind this guy in the bun­ny ears. It does­n’t have to be long or any­thing, just a few sen­tences that explains what he’s up to.

Here’s mine:

Karen could bare­ly con­tain her gig­gles. How she’d talked Aidan into wear­ing those damn ears, she’d nev­er know. And now he had agreed to an impromp­tu game of hide and seek in the huge back­yard of their pri­vate vaca­tion con­do. Now she need­ed to find a way to prop­er­ly thank him for being such a good sport.

She unbut­toned her shirt, then uncapped the tiny jars of acrylic paint. She’d have to hur­ry if she want­ed to fin­ish paint­ing her body like an East­er egg before he found her…

Okay, I don’t need a whole scene from you, maybe just a sen­tence or two. I’ll ran­dom­ly draw a win­ner from the com­ments below. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Have fun!

Also, after you recov­er from this week­end’s blog hop, I’ll be involved in anoth­er one on East­er week­end. We’ll be giv­ing away a NOOK along with a pletho­ra of oth­er prizes. Check back here for details. Blog­gers, there is still time to sign up to join in the fun! Click the ban­ner below for more information.

Thanks for stop­ping by! I’ll email the win­ner on Mon­day morn­ing 4/18/11

Six Sentence Sunday

Wel­come! I’m sit­ting in the hotel lounge post­ing these six. Roman­tic Times Booklover’s Con­ven­tion is a great event, and if you’re an author, or an aspir­ing author, I real­ly encour­age you to make it to one. I’ll be there next year!

Okay, on with this week’s six:

He got her all put back togeth­er, now we just have to wait and see.”

Kristo­pher Stan­field was the best. Now she knew she’d live through this. Brynn couldn’t believe how hard it was to open her eyes. When the strain became too much, she whim­pered. The sound shocked her, and gave her a burst of energy.

Brynn?” Susan shout­ed, then Brynn heard her foot­steps cross the room before her hand was lift­ed off the bed.

That’s it for me! As you’re read­ing this, I’m prob­a­bly in the air on my way home. Pumped now, I just want to write and write and write.…

Six Sentence Sunday 4/3/11

Wel­come back! S3 is real­ly grow­ing. Each week it seems we have more par­tic­i­pants. I can’t make it around to every­one’s each week as it is! I’ll be at RT next week. I hope I’ll get to meet a bunch of fel­low S3 authors! I’ll try to remem­ber to pop online to post next Sun­day’s six some­time dur­ing that crazy week.

Con­tin­u­ing the sto­ry where we left off:

She tried des­per­ate­ly to open her eyes and speak to him, but it seemed all she could do was breathe, which was reassuring.

She’s also pret­ty smart,” Cade con­tin­ued. “If she was aware of what was hap­pen­ing, you can be sure that she’d com­mit any details to memory.”

Are you sure she’s going to survive?”

She was damn lucky. Noth­ing vital was dam­aged, and Doc­tor Stan­field is an excel­lent surgeon.

That’s it for me. Have a great week every­one. I’ll be hav­ing a blast in L.A.!

Six Sentence Sunday 3/27/11

Anoth­er six. These are creep­ing toward the end of my wip, which means I’ll have to either write this damn thing, or find some­thing else to post every week.


Okay, just read slowly…


There is no way to know. Often vic­tims awake with com­plete clar­i­ty, and oth­er times they block out the inci­dent entire­ly. The stab wounds came from the front, so it was pret­ty like­ly that she saw her attack­er.” The voice clar­i­fied. Either he was lean­ing over her as he spoke, or she was com­ing out of what­ev­er fog she was in. “Brynn is phys­i­cal­ly fit. In great shape actually.”

It was Cade; the young doc­tor that she’d tak­en under her wing before she, Evan, and John opened their own sur­gi­cal practice.

Thanks for stop­ping by! I’ll be vis­it­ing you all when I get home from work. Also, I made the flow­ered S3 trans­par­ent gifs (three ver­sions) there, any­one who wants to lift them to use on their own site has my bless­ing. I made them to go with the old SSS Web­site, but after the makeover they don’t match lol. Any­way, have a great week everyone.

Six Sentence Sunday 3/20/11

Howdy! Wel­come back! Sneak­ing in my six before my 5AM shift at the Evil Empire. Evil nev­er sleeps in on Sun­days, so nei­ther can I. Sigh.

Now, on with the story:

It could be hours, it could be days. We have no way of know­ing. She’s been through a lot of trauma.”

Brynn strug­gled to turn toward the voice. It seemed as though the man spoke through a plas­tic tube; the muf­fled echo sound­ed so strange.

But will she know who did this? When she wakes up?”

Susan’s voice. She’d rec­og­nize that drawl anywhere.

Okay, off to the oth­er SSS Posters at the Offi­cial Web­site. Have fun!


The Luck of the Irish Blog Hop

Wel­come! I hope you’re enjoy­ing your hop around some of the best author sites on the web! I’m giv­ing away a copy of Fine Print to one lucky win­ner, along with a book to be loaded on the Kin­dle 3 that’s up for grabs! Good luck! If you’re just hap­pen­ing along this post, and would like to get in on the fun, click HERE to get start­ed. Here is the list of words we’re using for the sto­ry. I think I got em all! Love, smile, kiss, tongue, cud­dle, nip­ple, ear­lobe, fin­ger­nail, green, fire­place, book, whiskey, ride, Dublin, sham­rock, knick­ers, silk scarf, leather boot, Pot of Gold, Blar­ney Stone, and “Why is it green?”

Kel­ly only drank enough of the green beer to keep it from slosh­ing over her cup to stain her hand, but could­n’t stom­ach more than a few sips. Beer should­n’t be green.

She picked her way back through the crowd. Drop­kick Mur­phys blared through the speak­ers, and one group in the cor­ner even sang along to the rau­cous cho­rus. She doubt­ed any of the St. Patrick­’s Day rev­el­ers had ever been to Ire­land, or had any sort of Irish blood cours­ing through their veins–gallons of Jame­son Irish whiskey did­n’t count–but today every­one was Irish. While most Amer­i­cans used March 17th as an excuse to get drunk, Kel­ly would have been just as hap­py to stay home with Sean, and cud­dle in front of the fire­place.

He’d promised her a din­ner at her favorite restau­rant if she’d join him for pool at the Sham­rock Lounge for a few hours.  The bar was a favorite of theirs year round, espe­cial­ly since she’d been hired to paint a big pot of gold mur­al on the far wall. Although now it was cov­ered with sig­na­tures on each gold piece, tes­ta­ments to the feat of chug­ging “The Big Dublin”, a beer mug as big as a fish bowl.

The sound of Sean’s laugh­ter drew her eyes to the pool table, where he leaned against the edge, laugh­ing with his friends. His bud­dy Patrick seemed to think today was his own per­son­al cel­e­bra­tion, even though he was half Russ­ian and half Swedish. Still, Kel­ly could­n’t imag­ine spend­ing a St. Patrick­’s Day with­out the big lug.

She saun­tered across the room, feel­ing sexy in Sean’s favorite mini skirt. She brushed aside the girl who had roped her man with her green silk scarf–teas­ing him with one green fin­ger­nail scrap­ing down his chin–and did­n’t even make eye con­tact with the drunk guy who asked her to kiss his blar­ney stones. She was even able to ditch the green beer on an emp­ty table.

Remem­ber that one year when we slept St. Pats off at my mom’s house?” Patrick drained his glass. “And I did­n’t aim well, and she was bitch­ing about the mess on the toilet?

But Patrick, why is it green?” Patrick and Sean mim­ic­ked in uni­son. The sto­ry was as old and stale as the beer stains on the pool table, but Kel­ly could­n’t help but smile along with them, while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly feel­ing sor­ry for Patrick­’s mother.

We could fill a book with the stuff we did to your poor mom.” Final­ly Sean caught her eye, and gave her that sexy smile that melt­ed her. The dim­ple in his cheek was one of the first things that attract­ed her to him two years ago, and he still had the pow­er to make her ear­lobes pink with that grin. The knowl­edge that he had the abil­i­ty to kiss her sense­less with those lips, and his tal­ent­ed tongue was enough to get her knick­ers in a knot, and make her nip­ples perk.

Hel­lo, love.” He set his pool cue aside and pulled her into his arms. “You’re look­ing mighty fine tonight.”

Kel­ly snug­gled into his embrace, step­ping between his leather boots. “So are you. I was just stand­ing over there won­der­ing if you were ready to go home and search for my pot of gold.”

He chuck­led, and kissed her through his smile. “I thought you want­ed to shut this place down with Patrick, but when you put it that way–”

Dude!” Patrick slugged Sean hard enough to jos­tle Kel­ly. “You can’t leave ear­ly, you’re my ride.”

You live two blocks away. It would­n’t kill you to walk.” Sean elbowed back. “You real­ly think I’d choose you over this tasty morsel?”

I don’t blame you for being whipped. I might just be a lit­tle jealous.”

Right on cue, a cute lit­tle brunette approached them, steal­ing Patrick­’s atten­tion away. Kel­ly took advan­tage and dragged Sean through the door.

You real­ly think I’m tasty?”

Sean spun her around, and pinned her against the wall, the cold brick seep­ing through her jeans and sweater, empha­siz­ing his heat pressed against her front.

Hmm, I can’t remem­ber. Let me taste…” He kissed her, send­ing his tongue on a rav­ish­ing tour through her mouth, and nib­bling and lick­ing her lips. “Deli­cious.”

Kel­ly sighed. “Take me home, Sean.”

Thanks for stop­ping by! Good luck in the draw­ing! We’ll be chat­ting on Sat­ur­day 319 at 7pm at Gem Sivad’s Place. I hope you can join us…we have a lot of fun.

See you there!

Kel­ly only drank enough of the green beer to keep it from slosh­ing over her cup to stain her hand, but could­n’t stom­ach more than a few sips. Beer should­n’t be green.

She picked her way back through the crowd. Drop­kick Mur­phys blared through the speak­ers, and one group in the cor­ner even sang along to the rau­cous cho­rus. She doubt­ed any of the St. Patrick­’s Day rev­el­ers had ever been to Ire­land, or had any sort of Irish blood cours­ing through their veins–gallons of Jame­son Irish whiskey did­n’t count–but today every­one was Irish. While most Amer­i­cans used March 17th as an excuse to get drunk, Kel­ly would have been just as hap­py to stay home with Sean, and cud­dle in front of the fireplace.

He’d promised her a din­ner at her favorite restau­rant if she’d join him for pool at the Sham­rock Lounge for a few hours. The bar was a favorite of theirs year round, espe­cial­ly since she’d been hired to paint a big pot of gold mur­al on the far wall. Although now it was cov­ered with sig­na­tures on each gold piece, tes­ta­ments to the feat of chug­ging “The Big Dublin”, a beer mug as big as a fish bowl.

The sound of Sean’s laugh­ter drew her eyes to the pool table, where he leaned against the edge, laugh­ing with his friends. His bud­dy Patrick seemed to think today was his own per­son­al cel­e­bra­tion, even though he was half Russ­ian and half Swedish. Still, Kel­ly could­n’t imag­ine spend­ing a St. Patrick­’s Day with­out the big lug.

She saun­tered across the room, feel­ing sexy in her leather boots, and know­ing that her jeans were Sean’s favorite since they hugged her ass. She brushed aside the girl who had roped her man with her green silk scarf–teasing him with one green fin­ger­nail scrap­ing down his chin–and did­n’t even make eye con­tact with the drunk guy who asked her to kiss his blar­ney stones. She was even able to ditch the green beer.

Remem­ber when we slept it off at my mom’s house?” Patrick drained his glass. “And I did­n’t aim well, and she was bitch­ing about the mess on the toilet?

But Patrick, why is it green?” Patrick and Sean mim­ic­ked in uni­son. The sto­ry was as old and stale as the beer­stains on the pool table, but Kel­ly could­n’t help but smile along with them, while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly feel­ing sor­ry for Patrick­’s mother.

We could fill a book with the stuff we did to your poor mom” Final­ly Sean caught her eye, and gave her that sexy smile that melt­ed her. The dim­ple in his cheek was one of the first things that attract­ed her to him two years ago, and he still had the pow­er to make her ear­lobes pink with that grin. The knowl­edge that he had the abil­i­ty to kiss her sense­less with those lips, and his tal­ent­ed tongue was enough to get her knick­ers in a knot, and make her nip­ples perk.

“Hel­lo, love.” He set his pool cue aside and pulled her into his arms. “You’re look­ing mighty fine tonight.”

Kel­ly snug­gled into his embrace. “So are you. I was just stand­ing over there won­der­ing if you were ready to go home and search for my pot of gold.”

He chuck­led, and kissed her through his smile. “I thought we were going to shut this place down with Patrick, but when you put it that way–”

“Dude!” Patrick slugged Sean hard enough to jos­tle Kel­ly. “You can’t leave ear­ly, you’re my ride.”

“You live two blocks away. It would­n’t kill you to walk.” Sean elbowed back. “You real­ly think I’d choose you over this tasty morsel?”

“I don’t blame you for being whipped. I might just be a lit­tle jealous.”

Right on cue, a cute lit­tle blonde approached them, steal­ing Patrick­’s atten­tion away. Kel­ly took advan­tage and dragged Sean through the door.

“You real­ly think I’m tasty?”

Sean spun her around, and pinned her against the wall, the cold brick seep­ing through her jeans and sweater, empha­siz­ing his heat pressed against her front.

“Hmm, I can’t remem­ber. Let me taste…” He kissed her, send­ing his tongue on a rav­ish­ing tour through her mouth, and nib­bling and lick­ing her lips. “Deli­cious.”

Kel­ly sighed. “Take me home, baby.”


Luck of the Irish Blog Hop

Wel­come to the Luck of the Irish Blog Hop by JustRomance.Me! Click HERE to go to the begin­ning of the hop. I hope you’re enjoy­ing your tour through these blogs. I know we have fun prepar­ing for your vis­it! Please enjoy my sto­ry, which picks up where anoth­er leaves off:

Patrick sighed. His best friend Sean had found love, and who was he to keep him from tak­ing advan­tage of every moment with Kel­ly? “I don’t blame you for being whipped. I might just be a lit­tle jealous.”

He tried not to stare as Kel­ly cud­dled against Sean. They’d planned on clos­ing the Sham­rock Lounge down, but it looked like he’d spend the rest of the evening alone, while Sean and Kel­ly cel­e­brat­ed  the hol­i­day in each oth­er’s arms. Patrick schooled his fea­tures to keep his long­ing hid­den. The last thing he need­ed was pity. He looked away as Sean leaned over to kiss his girl.

Hey there, handsome.”

Patrick whipped around at the voice, a sexy purring  that sent a wave of tin­gles down his spine. It was her. The girl he’d embar­rassed him­self over three weeks ago in this very bar. The one he’d grilled every patron of the place ask­ing for more infor­ma­tion about. The last time he saw her, he was deep into his Big Dublin–the fish­bowl-sized beer that knocked many a man on his knickers–and he still did­n’t have his name on a piece of gold in that paint­ed pot. “Mol­ly?”

Oh, you remem­ber my name?” She winked.

I remem­ber every­thing about you.” Patrick took in her dark hair, the faint dust­ing of freck­les across he nose, and her tight green tee shirt. Either she was­n’t wear­ing a bra under there, or her nip­ples poked right through. He ignored his cock­’s twitch, and con­tin­ued his perusal down her dark den­im jeans–that looked like they’d be hell to peel off–and knee high leather boots with a dead­ly-look­ing heel. “You look bet­ter than I remem­bered though.”

She had a gor­geous smile. She’d giv­en him a peek of her dain­ty pink tongue as she stroked the seam of her lips. “You were pret­ty drunk that night.”

Not so drunk that I did­n’t miss you when you left.” Just then Patrick noticed that Kel­ly and Sean had dis­ap­peared, but he no longer cared.

My ride was leav­ing. I tried to tell you, but you were…busy.”

No longer inter­est­ed in alco­hol, Patrick set his whiskey down, and hap­pi­ly gave up the pool table to the three guys who were just wait­ing to pounce. He took Mol­ly’s hand in his, and led her to a qui­eter cor­ner of the lounge, where a fire­place was flick­er­ing in a sen­su­ous invi­ta­tion amid a com­fort­able seat­ing area. “I’d offer you a ride home, but it seems mine just left.”

Mol­ly did­n’t object when he pulled her down on the big over­stuffed chair with him. In fact she shift­ed her body against his, press­ing her breasts against his arm. For the sec­ond time in a month, Patrick was about to embar­rass him­self in this bar for this woman. It did­n’t help when she leaned in and took his ear­lobe between her teeth and paint­ed it with her tongue. “Car or not, you could still offer me a ride…”

That’s it for me! You’ll have to use your imag­i­na­tion to fin­ish this sto­ry, oth­er­wise we’d be here all day! Thanks for stop­ping by, I hope you had a great time on our Blog Hop. Good luck in the draw­ing! I hope to see a bunch of you in the chat room at Gem’s Place on Sat­ur­day at 7pm EST. We always have a good time there.

Hap­py St. Patrick­’s Day everyone!