Six Sentence Sunday 3/20/11

Howdy! Wel­come back! Sneak­ing in my six before my 5AM shift at the Evil Empire. Evil nev­er sleeps in on Sun­days, so nei­ther can I. Sigh.

Now, on with the story:

It could be hours, it could be days. We have no way of know­ing. She’s been through a lot of trauma.”

Brynn strug­gled to turn toward the voice. It seemed as though the man spoke through a plas­tic tube; the muf­fled echo sound­ed so strange.

But will she know who did this? When she wakes up?”

Susan’s voice. She’d rec­og­nize that drawl anywhere.

Okay, off to the oth­er SSS Posters at the Offi­cial Web­site. Have fun!


Whadd'ya think?