Six Sentence Sunday 5/8/11

Wel­come back! Anoth­er big list of SSSers today. Good gravy, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get to all of the sites like I used to!

Hap­py Moth­er’s Day to all of you moth­ers! Too bad I don’t have a moth­er­ly post today, just more from my stalled work in progress. Con­tin­u­ing from last week:

Hurts…here,” she whispered.

You’ve been through a lit­tle bit of hell Brynn. We got you all fixed up though.” Cade shone the light into each of her eyes. “You’re going to be pret­ty weak for a while, you lost a lot of blood.”

The bright light zapped her ener­gy, and she closed her eyes until the stars stopped pop­ping behind her lids. “Stabbed…”

That’s it for me. I’m spend­ing my Moth­er’s Day work­ing for The Man. Send choco­late. Be sure to check out the oth­er SSSers on the Offi­cial Website!


18 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 5/8/11

  1. Baby steps, Brynn! Am so hooked on this sto­ry. Also … you used the phrase “good gravy”! My grand­moth­er always used to say that, and read­ing it made me feel all hot-choco­late­ly six years old again. Thanks for the cozy Sun­day moment. 

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