Six Sentence Sunday 5/15/11

Wel­come back! I hope you’re enjoy­ing your tour through the fab­u­lous SSSers out there. Get the whole list of par­tic­i­pants at the Offi­cial Site.

Okay, on with the nev­er-end­ing story…

Don’t talk any­more Brynn. Save your strength.” Susan gripped Brynn’s hand. She had no fam­i­ly to wor­ry over her, and now she didn’t even have a hus­band and the promise of chil­dren. Susan was her rock. Her flighty, fluffy, some­times sil­ly rock.


That’s it for me. Have a great week everyone!

17 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 5/15/11

  1. I love this sto­ry and I’m glad Brynn has a rock to lean on. Sounds like she could real­ly use one right mow. 

  2. Friends are so invalu­able. Great job of bring that to the atten­tion of the read­er in case they need reminding. : ) 


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