Six Sentence Sunday 4/30/11

Hap­py Sun­day! As usu­al, I’m at work, while you are all enjoy­ing the pletho­ra of posts. I hope at least one of you said “Awwww” just now. For those who did, you’re my favorites.

On with the story:

Cade stood beside Susan, and pulled out a pen light. “Feel­ing any pain?”
Brynn assessed each body part. She was weak, the same way she felt after a five kilo­me­ter run. With­out train­ing. She touched her stom­ach, and even through the gauze and cloth tape, she winced at the pressure.

Hm. Six real­ly aren’t enough some­times. Maybe we should have six­teen sen­tences some days, just for kicks 🙂

All right. Be sure to vis­it the oth­er SSSers at the Offi­cial Site. Have a great week!

18 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 4/30/11

  1. I get to be the first. Whoo Hooo! I’ve been fol­low­ing this every week. Love this sto­ry. Giv­en she is a woman and where the injury is locat­ed, she must be won­der­ing exact­ly what the dam­age is. I can only imag­ine the things going through her head right now. Have a good day, even though it’s at work.

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