Howdy! Today I’m sharing six sentences from a WiP that’s been on my back burner for a while. It’s my second historical western which even has a title! MURPHY’S TREASURE A book set in the 19th century American west. We’ll see.
This couldn’t be the spot. The ground below hadn’t been disturbed. Centuries of rain and wind had compacted the earth into one big sandstone. If someone had buried something here, it would be a hell of a lot easier to dig up. It was his own stubborn pride that made him continue digging. She told him this was the wrong place, he just didn’t want to listen. He didn’t want her to be right–not again.
He should probably get used to it. Really. Once they get to the point when they figure out that “she’s always right” things go a lot smoother.
Have a great week!
oooh! This sounds good! Great six.
My, he is stubborn! Excellent six, and for his sake, I hope she was wrong this time
Stubborn man. Should always listen to the woman. Tsk, tsk.
I love your response at the end. Fantastic six! Thank you.
Just like a man. Never asks directions.
Stubborn always finds a way!
Oh typical man… LOL great six!
Doesn’t he know? We’re always right.
Great six.
Men so rarely learn this lesson. It’s the mark of a real romance hero who does.
Thanks for sharing!
Such a man!! lol! I love it! Thanks for sharing!
Now, if all men would just realize women were always right it make everything so much easier. Fantastic six!
Wow, you reeled me in. I want to read more.
LOL no man wants a woman to be right again.
Nice snippet!
Men never want women to be right!
I want to know what’s buried there.
What is it with guys not wanting to admit a woman is right? LOL
LOL Perfect. Poor guy. Doesn’t he know, stubbornness will get him nowhere?
Men! They won’t ask or directions either!! lol!
But what if he is right? I’m dying to find out! Nice Six!
I can’t wait to see what’s buried.
Stubborn pride is right… it’s not really about the treasure