Saturday Status 8/27/11

 Last week of August. All sum­mer I’ve been enjoy­ing the weath­er, and the end of August tells me that the snow will start to fly soon­er than I would like.

I don’t want to talk about it.

The pic­ture here is from a recent trip to the moun­tains near the Wyoming/Colorado state line. Each tree has an inter­est­ing per­son­al­i­ty, yeah?

Work in Progress News ~ After final­iz­ing FLIPPED, and send­ing it off to two pub­lish­ers, I took some time to go through Alan­na’s book  FINE PRINT to get it ready for self pub­lish­ing. What I learned was that in 2009 I loved ellipses. I prob­a­bly took fif­teen or twen­ty instances out of that man­u­script. I’m work­ing on Falling Star now. Same thing. I don’t know what it is about those three lit­tle dots…

New Release News ~ So excit­ed for Alan­na’s book PREVIEW to get a sec­ond shot. I real­ly like this sto­ry. Twists and turns and love. I made a trail­er for it last night. I post­ed it along with an excerpt on the PREVIEW book page, or you can see it below. Let me know what you think!

Indus­try News ~ I found it inter­est­ing that Simon and Shus­ter acquired the print-only rights for John Lock­e’s suc­cess­ful­ly self-pubbed books. With the swing being toward E, the fact that S&S has seen Lock­e’s poten­tial, and is will­ing to forego ebook rights to make him hap­py, is pret­ty amaz­ing in my opin­ion. Good on ya, S&S! If you can’t beat em.…join em!

Real Life News ~ Kids are back in school, which changes the dynam­ics of my entire lit­tle town. Pop­u­la­tion increas­es by about 20K (all 18–20 yrs old) who don’t know where they’re going. Need­less to say I stay off the roads as long as I can.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ I’ve got two this week. Some­one got to Alan­na’s site by search­ing for “dirty foot­prints on the floor”. Not sure how I feel about that, but I’m buy­ing a mop tomor­row. Over here, some­one searched for “A tease”. Now that’s fun­ny. They found my book AT EASE, which I nev­er real­ized what a squished up url would look like. Awesome.

Hero Quote ~ From a book I’m rework­ing for self pub­lish­ing, FALLING STAR

Because with her I am just Adam Her­li­hey. I don’t have to be any­one else. I want to get to know her, and I want her to get to know the real me. Not what Opin­ion Mag­a­zine tells her; not what the tabloids write about me. Understand?”

Favorite Song of the Week ~ So many songs, so lit­tle web­space. Today I’d like to share one that plays a big role in my upcom­ing release PREVIEW, I give you Kei­th Urban:

Inter­est­ing­ly enough, though I’m not a huge fan­girl of Kei­th Urban, he did inspire the afore­men­tioned book FALLING STAR, about a cos­mopoli­tan-coun­try music star trou­bled by liquor but tamed by one good woman. Though the hero in my book does­n’t have a sexy Aussie accent, I think that would have been too obvi­ous, yeah?

Okay, that’s it for me this week. See you next time!


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