Saturday Status 8/20/11



I know you all won­der what I do all week. Espe­cial­ly if you fol­low me on Twit­ter, you must think I don’t do much. Okay, you’re most­ly right. Still, to make myself feel bet­ter, here is my to-done list for last week.


Work in Progress News ~

Well I fin­ished FLIPPED. Sent it off to two pub­lish­ers. One I real­ly real­ly want, and the oth­er is a close sec­ond. Could be a month or more before I get an answer. The joys of sub­mis­sions. sigh But it’s done now and I real­ly enjoyed writ­ing it. Now that I’ve stuck my toe in that pool, I feel a bit more com­fort­able with the genre.


New Release News ~ PREVIEW will be released in just over two weeks! So excit­ing. If you haven’t seen it yet, I did add a com­ing soon to my home page, you can check out the cov­er which, until recent­ly, I’ve been keep­ing under wraps. Cari­na Press has some fun stuff planned for its release, I’ll share more soon.

Indus­try News ~  This might not be so much pub­lish­ing news, but HP has dis­con­tin­ued the Touch­pad, and all webOS devices. It’s a sad sad day for me, I real­ly love my webOS phone, and had the Touch­pad on my wish­list since before it came out. Unfor­tu­nate­ly they were too pricey for me, and now that they’re cheap, they’re all sold out. This is my luck.

Real Life News ~ Took a short trip to the resort town of Dil­lon CO yes­ter­day. It’s a gor­geous lit­tle town, too bad it rained the entire time. I did get some nice pics tho. The one above I took with my beloved Palm Pre Plus (SEE? See how awe­some my phone is? Click it for the large view.)


Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ This week: kara sori­en­to. This has hap­pened a cou­ple of times, for both web­sites. Peo­ple search­ing for char­ac­ter names. I assume it’s peo­ple with these names won­der­ing what’s out there about them. I don’t know about you, but if I found a book where the hero/heroine had my name, I’d love that.

Hero Quote ~ From Olivi­a’s recent­ly com­plet­ed book FLIPPED:

I’ll be hon­est with you. I’m scared. But if I don’t do this, I’ll be scared for the rest of my life. This is just for me. For my men­tal health. To prove that I can do it.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Okay, not the most epic of Pink Floy­d’s songs, and not their most famous, but the video has stuck with me for many years after it came out decades ago. Back when they showed videos on MTV.

Also, I’d like to thank David Gilmour (or his wife more like­ly) for cut­ting his hair.

That’s it for me this week. One more week until sum­mer offi­cial­ly ends. Live it up!

Whadd'ya think?