Six Sentence Sunday 8/14/11

Wel­come! I’m shar­ing six from Olivi­a’s wip Which is most­ly done, titled FLIPPED. A sto­ry about two friends who are flip­ping a house togeth­er, and end up flip­ping for each other.

By the time they reached Mar­i­o’s car, Carter had talked him­self out of what­ev­er crazy place he’d been vis­it­ing. “I guess we are a cou­ple of old guys. It’s bare­ly eleven and we’re going home alone.” At the chirp of the lock, Carter got in and buck­led up.

Mario fas­tened his belt and cranked the engine. “I’m not going home alone. I’m going home with you.”

Now I don’t want any com­ments ask­ing me if Mario speeds out of the park­ing lot and races home. Got it? It’s not like I choose their names, they just tell me who they are. I’m a pawn I tell ya! And yes, he does like to bounce mush­rooms on his head, tyvm.

Have a great week. Vis­it oth­er SSS Par­tic­i­pants at the Offi­cial Web­site.



30 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 8/14/11

  1. huge gig­gle on your Mario com­ment. I like you have them both buck­le up! A great six and I’m keen to see what lies ahead. Thank you. 

  2. lol, I did­n’t even get the Mario con­nec­tion until read­ing your com­ment. 🙂 Great six! 

  3. Love the sto­ry idea and the six were great. As far as the name…I’ve refuse to name a char­ac­ter what she want­ed because I could­n’t stand a girl in school with the same name 😉 

  4. First of all, awe­some play on words “flip­ping a house togeth­er, then flip­ping for eachother.” Great word play. I love what Mario says. Stel­lar job! 

  5. Great six.
    My crit part­ner falls into the…I swear I did­n’t pick the name thing too. LOL I laugh at her too. Hers was Kiki.
    But per­son­al­ly, I think of Mario Lopez. RAWR. Hel­lo abs. 

    I love your tag for the book too. 

  6. It’s got that nice ka-CHING of great dia­logue, excel­lent rhythm and the sense of a punch line with more to come. 

  7. I love that you men­tion you are just the instru­ment! Great humor about their names too. 🙂 Thanks for sharing! 

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