Saturday Status 8/13/11

Howdy! Hap­py Sat­ur­day! Report­ing in for my week­ly update:

Works In Progress News ~ I just fin­ished the first draft of my first attempt at a m/m. It’s a short and spicy sto­ry about best friends turned lovers. They teamed up to flip a house, and along with oth­er plot points, I came up with the title FLIPPED . I’ll share six sen­tences tomor­row on my Six Sen­tence Sun­day post, if you’d like to come back and see. I’ll have to fig­ure out where to send it now, or if I should just hire an edi­tor and self pub­lish. We’ll see.

Indus­try News ~ Intro­duc­ing the Kin­dle Cloud Read­er!  Not that I endorse any one read­er over anoth­er, but this is an excel­lent way to read ebooks online using either your lap­top (Chrome brows­er only atm) or Safari. Sounds like Ama­zon found a neat lit­tle loop­hole in Apples anti-com­pe­ti­tion pol­i­cy for use in their iPads and such.  And again, I’m not endors­ing the Kin­dle or any­thing, but they’re sell­ing refur­bished mod­els for under $100 if you’re in the mar­ket. I promise, some BN or Kobo news next week.

Real Life News ~ School starts soon here (YAY!!!). Now that school clothes are pur­chased, it’s time to hit the office sup­ply store, which is more fun than clothes in my opin­ion.  The 16yo might dis­agree. I’ve been tak­ing my portable office (lap­top) out­side to enjoy sum­mer while it lasts. The hours out­doors has shown me that the birds and squir­rels that reside in my trees have very…um.…interesting per­son­al­i­ties. Nei­ther species likes the cat. Not that the cat seems to notice or mind. Have you ever seen a cat roll her eyes? It’s pret­ty entertaining.

Search Term of the Week aka How Peo­ple Found my Web­sites ~ You guys prob­a­bly think I make these up. Espe­cial­ly when you see the search term that brought one very spe­cial Googler to alan­na dri­ving naked Seri­ous­ly. I feel like I should apol­o­gize to this web surfer for not giv­ing them what they were look­ing for, but I’m pret­ty sure there aren’t any photos/discussions of this par­tic­u­lar Alan­na dri­ving naked. Keep look­ing, buddy.

 Hero Quote ~ A quote by Trevor, the hero in Alan­na’s upcom­ing Cari­na Press release on Sep­tem­ber 5th (that’s right around the corner!)

There’s some­thing between us. The first time I looked at you I felt it. You feel it too. I know you do.”

 Favorite Song of the Week ~ I Owe You a Love Song by the Shiny Toy Guns. This group is real­ly great. They cov­ered a Depeche Mode song and did a bril­liant job. Their cov­er of Major Tom was fea­tured on a com­mer­cial (I for­got what the com­mer­cial was, I think a car or some­thing) Any­way, they’re rel­a­tive­ly unknown, but a fan put this video togeth­er since they don’t have an offi­cial one. Enjoy!

That’s it for me, folks. Have a great week!


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