It’s been a while since I posted anything other than my Six Sentence Sunday snippets. Not that I have much to say, and not that I think anyone but my mom reads my blog snort. I thought I’d start posting an update every week. This way anyone who happens to stop by can see that I actually do more than tweet all day (occasionally) and maybe seeing the same update every week will give me motivation to get off  my butt and write!
Backlist News~ Nothing going on with my backlist. Movie rights are still up for sale, and Oprah’s off the air. Dammit.
New Release News~ PreView is all edited! For those of you who read Preja Vu, it’s the same story, just refreshed, re-edited, re-covered, and will be republished at Carina Press in early September. Just in time for Carina’s Romantic Suspense Week! I know, I haven’t shared the cover with the world, but as soon as I get permission, I’ll do that. The blurb is on Goodreads, so you can see what it’s all about there.
Works In Progress News ~ I’ve got about three works I’d love to finish as Alanna. One is a romantic suspense, as yet untitled, that I was sharing six sentences at a time every Sunday. Unfortunately it got to a spot where it would bore you to tears to read it like that, so I’ve stopped posting. The file name is Parker, and it’s at about 16,000 of an estimated 60,000 words. I haven’t touched it in weeks though. I’m also working on a contemporary with a paranormal twist. No title for that either, its file name is Ian. (Can you tell I title my WiPs as my hero names? Yeah, I’m a dork.) Ian’s only about 8K. I plan on it ending up around 60K as well. I’ve also got an historical western with a treasure hunt plot. That one’s been percolating in the back of my mind for a while, and I really like the characters there. Unfortunately Olivia has taken over the laptop, she seems to think that her m/m contemporary is more important than all of my other works. She’s pretty pushy too, so I give in.
Industry News ~ I found it very interesting that JK Rowling is releasing her Harry Potter series in digital format, and all by her lonesome. Good on ya JK! Welcome to the future! Her plan is genius. Read about it Here.
Upcoming Events ~ I’ll be guest blogging at the Nine Naughty Novelist’s blog later this month. I met most of these ladies at the RT convention in LA earlier this year, and I just wanted to turn into a raving fangirl who dresses like the NNNs. They’re a great bunch of ladies, and a whole lot of fun, especially with PG’s wine and chocolate. But I digress, link to my guest blog coming soon.
Real Life News ~ The weather on top of this mountain is gorgeous. Our summers are enough to make 90% of you drool with jealousy. Not too hot, not too cool. The only problem is they’re not too long either. Gotta enjoy these months while we can! Also, my daughter turned 16, and I haven’t seen her since. Having another driver in the house is pretty handy. I don’t think I’ll have to “run to the store because I ran out of _____” for months.
Favorite Song of the Week ~ On My Level, by Wiz Khalifa, featuring Too Short. Love the bass on this, and the low harmony. Imagine me cruising down these small-town streets with this song cranked loud enough to shake the mirrors. Yeah that’s me. NSFW video:
I suppose that’s it for this week. Any topics you’d like to see a weekly rehash on the blog? Otherwise, see you tomorrow for Six Sentences from either one of my Works in Progress, or a published work. I haven’t decided yet. Thanks for stopping by!
The peek into the news is fascinating! Can’t wait to hear more/read about Parker, Ian, etc.
Aw thanks! Maybe with some nudging I can get to work on them