Six Sentence Sunday 6/26/11

Well, I know I was post­ing six sen­tences of my work in progress, but I think I was bor­ing you to tears, so it’s time to move along.

This week I’m shar­ing six sen­tences from my first nov­el, Wyoming Solace. An his­tor­i­cal west­ern love sto­ry set in the Snowy Range Moun­tains here in Wyoming.

Since when was laun­dry such an enjoy­able chore?

Elise stooped beneath the shade of a cot­ton­wood, drenched with soapy water and her own per­spi­ra­tion, but she’d nev­er felt bet­ter. She remem­bered her maid Amelia crouch­ing over the laun­dry tub. Although she nev­er com­plained, nor accept­ed Elise’s offer to help, the job didn’t look exhil­a­rat­ing in the least. Now, she took out years worth of frus­tra­tion on the can­vas work pants, which filled her with a sense of accomplishment.

A strand of blonde hair escaped her braid, and she brushed it from her cheek with the back of her hand.

It’s nice to revis­it my old­er sto­ries. Like old friends meet­ing for coffee 🙂

Have a great week. See you next Sun­day! Again, vis­it the oth­er SSS par­tic­i­pants HERE.


9 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 6/26/11

  1. Thanks for stop­ping by, ladies! I sup­pose if I grew up wish­ing I could do some, laun­dry might be more fun. Not in a tub like Elise though. Those pio­neer women had it rough! 

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