Six Sentence Sunday 2/27/11

Wel­come back! I always work all day on Sun­days, so I miss hop­ping along the blogs along with the rest of you. I always bring up the end of the parade. I like to call it “fash­ion­ably late”.

On with this week’s six, where we join Bron­wynn as she was just stabbed in a park­ing garage.

Help,” she choked. The atten­dant was­n’t in her line of sight, and her voice wasn’t strong enough to get his atten­tion even if he were. Her vision blurred, and she sat on her heels, and fell back against the wheel of her car. The pain was almost more than she could bear. She fum­bled on her belt for her cell phone, her hand shak­ing and slick with blood. Each beat of her heart sent blood gush­ing through her hand, no mat­ter how hard she tried to sti­fle it.

Sigh. Every week I open this WiP and won­der why I’m not writ­ing in it. I need more fin­gers! Be sure to check out the oth­er S3 posters at the offi­cial web­site! See you next week.


41 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 2/27/11

  1. Real­ly pow­er­ful and vivid. If I might make a small suggestion…with the line “The pain was almost more than she could bear”–could you fur­ther up the won­der­ful ten­sion here by detail­ing what the pain felt like? Was it slic­ing, burn­ing, eviscerating?–make us feel it even more! GET BACK TO THIS PROJECT–sounds so good!

  2. How ter­ri­fy­ing all that blood and not being able to do any­thing to staunch it. Yikes. Makes me won­der how she is going to get out of this situation.

    I’m with you on the need­ing more fin­gers. Nev­er enough time to get every­thing done.

  3. I want some­one to res­cue Bron­wynn, like now. You’ve got me emo­tion­al­ly attached to her. We read all about her every­day life before, and now that some­thing has hap­pened to her, my heart is rac­ing. Hope­ful­ly some­one will come to help next week.

  4. To know that help is so close, yet so far away! Ugh…the week can’t pass by fast enough!


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