Romance Trading Cards

I’m very excit­ed for this year’s Romance Times con­fer­ence in April. A big chunk of the excite­ment comes from the fact that as I write this I’m under a win­ter storm warn­ing, and the con­fer­ence is in sun­ny south­ern Cal­i­for­nia! I’ll have to dig out some flip flops and paint my toenails!

This year, a bunch of authors are get­ting togeth­er to hand out Romance Trad­ing Cards, so I made three fla­vors, one for Fine Print, and two for Olivi­a’s books. As they appear on the site, I am amazed by the tal­ent these authors show with their cre­ativ­i­ty. Mine are pret­ty plain, but the heroes of the books make up for it I think.

Head on over to to watch the col­lec­tion unfold. It’s gonna be fun!

Whadd'ya think?