Romancing The New Year

Wel­come! I hope you’re all enjoy­ing the scenes so far. If you’re just hap­pen­ing across my post, click HERE to go to the begin­ning of the tour to be eli­gi­ble for a pletho­ra of prizes includ­ing an e‑reader that you did­n’t get for Christmas! *

The fol­low­ing is a work of fic­tion. The char­ac­ters, inci­dents and dia­logues in this book are of the author’s imag­i­na­tion and are not to be con­strued as real. Any resem­blance to actu­al events or per­sons, liv­ing or dead, is com­plete­ly coin­ci­den­tal. Text © Alan­na Coca, Pho­to © Aaron Rohde

As soon as I saw this pic­ture, I saw the fol­low­ing scene. It’s pret­ty obvi­ous, so I won’t be sur­prised if it’s dupli­cat­ed by anoth­er blog­ger today. Still, here’s my version:

Cindy glared at her broth­er and his fiancée. “Would you two knock it off? If Greg and I are going to hook up, it cer­tain­ly won’t be with you around.” The man in ques­tion had leaned over the bar to order anoth­er beer. Camil­la and Car­son had been play­ing match­mak­ers for months. They’d final­ly man­aged to get Cindy and Camil­la’s broth­er Greg in the same place at the same time. From the begin­ning of the New Years par­ty, they’d been push­ing their sib­lings into con­ver­sa­tion, and even using the open bar as a tongue-loosener. 

You have to admit, Cin, the guy is per­fect for you.” Greg poured anoth­er glass of cham­pagne for Camil­la before emp­ty­ing the bot­tle into his own glass. “Hell, you two haven’t stopped talk­ing since the par­ty started.”

Cindy watched Greg, and more specif­i­cal­ly, the brunette at the bar that inched clos­er as Greg wait­ed for his drink. “Yeah, he’s a good guy.” And cute. And both men­tal­ly and finan­cial­ly sta­ble. And inter­est­ing. And he smelled good…

I can vouch for him,” Camil­la winked. “As a mat­ter of fact, I can give you some great dirt about his for­ma­tive years.”

Cindy fid­dled with her plas­tic orange arm­band. She would nev­er admit to either Car­son or Camil­la that she’d been attract­ed to Greg since they met at their sib­lings’ engage­ment par­ty last sum­mer. She’d even awoke from a few dreams star­ring Greg. The fact that they’d final­ly con­nect­ed dur­ing this New Year’s par­ty was only giv­ing her more hope.

You’d bet­ter get anoth­er drink. They’re about to count down to mid­night.” Car­son shoved her toward the bar.

Cindy went along with the ruse, because she secret­ly want­ed to wedge her­self between Greg  and the brunette.

Good luck get­ting a drink,” Greg leaned over to speak direct­ly into her ear, though the bar was­n’t loud enough to war­rant it. “They’re pret­ty busy.” 

Ten…nine.…eight…” The entire bar start­ed to chant. 

Oh no!” Cindy cov­ered her mouth in mock sur­prise. “But I have to have a drink for the toast. How else can I bring in the new year?”


How about this?” Greg spun her into his arms and cov­ered her sur­prised mouth with his. 

Cindy slipped her arms around his back and opened her mouth to his maraud­ing tongue, and she bare­ly heard the crowd shout­ing, “Hap­py New Year!”

Okay, I might have gone a bit long with that, but I could­n’t stop in the mid­dle! Okay, on with the Hop. See you at the end, I’ll be in the chat room dur­ing the des­ig­nat­ed times, I hope to meet some of you there!

49 thoughts on “Romancing The New Year

  1. Hap­py New Year!!! I love the pic­ture and I love your ver­sion. I can’t wait to read every­one elses version.

  2. What a great snip­pet. I wish I could cre­ate some­thing that quick­ly and still have it be good. Good luck with your writ­ing in 2011 and I can’t wait to see what you bring us in the new year!

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  3. Oh that was good!!! I don’t know if you were sup­posed to leave a com­ment on the post before yours with the con­test prizes but it would­n’t let me post any­thing or scroll to the bot­tom of the page or email you about it. Maybe my comp has decid­ed to frizz out. Anyway…

    Hap­py New Years

  4. I enjoyed vis­it­ing your blog. Have a Hap­py New Year!

    Cindy W.

  5. I’m glad you’re all enjoy­ing the hop! I think it’s a great way to show­case authors. Thanks for commenting

  6. LOL, I can’t see any­one repeat­ing your unique take on the pic. love it. Hap­py new years!

    cathiecaf­fey @

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