Welcome! I hope you’re all enjoying the scenes so far. If you’re just happening across my post, click HERE to go to the beginning of the tour to be eligible for a plethora of prizes including an e‑reader that you didn’t get for Christmas! *
The following is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental. Text © Alanna Coca, Photo © Aaron RohdeAs soon as I saw this picture, I saw the following scene. It’s pretty obvious, so I won’t be surprised if it’s duplicated by another blogger today. Still, here’s my version:
Cindy glared at her brother and his fiancée. “Would you two knock it off? If Greg and I are going to hook up, it certainly won’t be with you around.” The man in question had leaned over the bar to order another beer. Camilla and Carson had been playing matchmakers for months. They’d finally managed to get Cindy and Camilla’s brother Greg in the same place at the same time. From the beginning of the New Years party, they’d been pushing their siblings into conversation, and even using the open bar as a tongue-loosener.
“You have to admit, Cin, the guy is perfect for you.” Greg poured another glass of champagne for Camilla before emptying the bottle into his own glass. “Hell, you two haven’t stopped talking since the party started.”
Cindy watched Greg, and more specifically, the brunette at the bar that inched closer as Greg waited for his drink. “Yeah, he’s a good guy.” And cute. And both mentally and financially stable. And interesting. And he smelled good…
“I can vouch for him,” Camilla winked. “As a matter of fact, I can give you some great dirt about his formative years.”
Cindy fiddled with her plastic orange armband. She would never admit to either Carson or Camilla that she’d been attracted to Greg since they met at their siblings’ engagement party last summer. She’d even awoke from a few dreams starring Greg. The fact that they’d finally connected during this New Year’s party was only giving her more hope.
“You’d better get another drink. They’re about to count down to midnight.” Carson shoved her toward the bar.
Cindy went along with the ruse, because she secretly wanted to wedge herself between Greg  and the brunette.
“Good luck getting a drink,” Greg leaned over to speak directly into her ear, though the bar wasn’t loud enough to warrant it. “They’re pretty busy.”
“Ten…nine.…eight…” The entire bar started to chant.
“Oh no!” Cindy covered her mouth in mock surprise. “But I have to have a drink for the toast. How else can I bring in the new year?”
“How about this?” Greg spun her into his arms and covered her surprised mouth with his.
Cindy slipped her arms around his back and opened her mouth to his marauding tongue, and she barely heard the crowd shouting, “Happy New Year!”
Okay, I might have gone a bit long with that, but I couldn’t stop in the middle! Okay, on with the Hop. See you at the end, I’ll be in the chat room during the designated times, I hope to meet some of you there!
I love it. Thanks for participating. Happy New Year.
Carol L
Great story.…it is going to be fun to see how everyone else might see this picture
Loved the home page…very diff from others.…thanks
Great Blog Happy New Year
I like it.
Lisa J
lol very nice
Loved it, will be looking for more.
Great Blog! Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year!!! I love the picture and I love your version. I can’t wait to read everyone elses version.
Loved it. Happy New Year.
Love your version!
Like your story! Looking forward to downloading some of your books!
Very nice! Great start (I think
— the blog hop toolbar thingy isn’t working right for me)
I am having trouble to.…. some of my posts aren’t showing up either…
Definitely wasn’t too long! I liked it. Thanks!
Happy New Year!
perfect as ever. Happy New Year
Great excerpt! Happy New Year!
I loved it, but now I want more
What a great snippet. I wish I could create something that quickly and still have it be good. Good luck with your writing in 2011 and I can’t wait to see what you bring us in the new year!
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
That was a great story!
Wow, what a way to hook up! Love it!
That was great! Happy New Year!
I love your story for this picture.
Oh that was good!!! I don’t know if you were supposed to leave a comment on the post before yours with the contest prizes but it wouldn’t let me post anything or scroll to the bottom of the page or email you about it. Maybe my comp has decided to frizz out. Anyway…
Happy New Years
That was great!
I like the story.
I enjoyed visiting your blog. Happy New Year!
I enjoyed visiting your blog. Have a Happy New Year!
Cindy W.
great story and happy new year
Love the story Happy New Year
That was a great little story..I could totally see everything you said in that picture…
What a cute little scene! Thanks, Alanna!
Great story Alanna!
yep I agree that story wrote itself lol
Great job, I loved it Alanna.
Happy New Year
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
Very nice, love it.
lead at hotsheet dot com
Happy New Year!
Loved it! Thanks!
Great story.
I loved your story it was very good.
GOOD STORY! Happy New Year!
Great story.
Happy New Year!
This was fun!
Happy New Year! ~smooches~
The midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve is always a special one
It is so great how people see different scenarios when looking at the same picture!! Great piece
I’m glad you’re all enjoying the hop! I think it’s a great way to showcase authors. Thanks for commenting
LOL, I can’t see anyone repeating your unique take on the pic. love it. Happy new years!
cathiecaffey @ gmail.com