Welcome! I hope you’re having as much fun reading these scenes as we are writing them. Â If you’re just wandering by this post, check out the entire list of authors by clicking HERE to go to the beginning.
The following is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this scene are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental. Text © Olivia Brynn, Photo © Aaron Rohde.Okay, on with my version of what’s going on in this picture:
“Can we go home now?” Jennifer checked her phone again. William should be calling any minute. She really didn’t want to be in a noisy bar when he finally did.
“We can’t go home yet.” Christine dragged Jennifer and Alex across the crowded dance floor toward the bar. “We have to at least wait until midnight.”
“If I miss William’s phone call because you two kept me prisoner at a stupid bar all night, I’ll never forgive you.” Jennifer pouted, but her jutting lower lip was lost on Christine, so she turned to Alex for help. “Can’t you control her?”
“Control her?” He grinned. “I can barely keep up. See why I love her?” Alex’s eyes went to Christine’s ass as they wended through the throngs of people.
“Which makes me a third wheel. Why don’t you distract her, and I’ll call a cab?”
“William will call back if he can’t reach you the first time. Quit being such a stick in the mud.” Christine faced them in a relatively clear spot near the bar. “He’s probably bringing in the new year with his buddies anyway.”
The new year came hours ago in Afghanistan. He didn’t get to celebrate.” Jennifer tried her pout again.
“I promise, once that ball drops in Times Square, you won’t want to rush home to wait for a phone call.”
“Don’t bet on it.”
“I’ll put my life savings on it.” Christine winked at Alex, whose lips twitched in a suppressed smile.
Jennifer watched the couple curiously. Something was going on. “No deal. Your life savings is paying for my next drink.”
Christine laughed. “Yeah you’re right. That’s why I’m dating this Sugar Daddy.” She walked into Alex’s embrace, careful not to spill their champagne.
Jennifer couldn’t watch. As much as she loved Christine and her boyfriend Alex, seeing them together almost every day only made her long for the relationship with William that she’d had to put on hold when he was called for duty. Â He was supposed to be home for Christmas, but as usual, government snafus delayed his discharge. Now she hoped he’d come home by Valentine’s Day. Jennifer pulled her gaze away from her feet to find Christine and Alex still lost in each other. Maybe she could walk home…
Alex was the first to come up for breath. “Get yourself another glass of bubbly. Only two minutes to midnight.”
Grateful for the excuse to leave the loving display, Jennifer found an empty stool at the bar where a man was leaning.  As she waited for the bartender to make his way over, Jennifer took a deep breath. Damn. The stranger beside her wore the same cologne  as William. Jennifer bit her lip, and swore to breathe through her mouth until her drink arrived. Was it her imagination, or did the entire bar get suddenly quiet? She snuck a glance at the man’s hands then up his suit jacket until she reached his face. When she met his eyes, she blinked. It can’t be.
“Happy New Year baby.”

While I have you here… ahem…I just thought I’d point out that on Monday my next release comes out. It’s titled Last  Call, and it’s a short fun read. At least it was fun for me to write it. I hope it’s fun to read as well. Find more information by clicking the cover there. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe New Year, and good luck in the Kindle drawing!
AWE!!! 🙂
That was sweet. 🙂 Happy New Year Olivia and thanks for being a part of the Blog Hop.
Carol L
Nice and good luck on the release!
I love this story. I hope all our soldiers have a very happy New Year.
Loved the story, looking forward to Last Call. Happy New Year and thanks for participating.
Happy 2011! Nice story!
very sweet — thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the sweet story, loved it! Happy 2011!
Loved your story. Congrats on your new release. Happy New Year.
Congrats on the new release! Happy New Years!
Thanks for stopping by everyone! Happy New Year to you all
Perfect for the season of miracles!
Happy New Year!! Very interesting story!!
Last Call looks real good!!
Being married to the military myself, I damn near cried when I read this! I know what it’s like to wait for that call on a holiday. What a great way to start the new year!
Well that was pretty much perfect for that picture. Great blog post! Happy New Year!
Oh what a great story…
Happy New Year..
That’s a super sweet ending! This would make an awesome full-length story that I would love to see written.
Have a very Happy 2011! And I look forward to your new releases in the new year!
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Great story!!!
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║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╠★ NEW YEAR ☆ 2011!!
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Aww…that was really sweet!
Thanks for the read and Happy New Year!
Great story!!!
Happy New Year
There has been such a great choice in how you all interpreted the pic… Great Job!!!
Happy New Year
I loved that story, beautiful
Happy new year
How sweet. Thank you.
Happy New Year!
Cindy W.
Happy new ywar. Great story.
I liked this version
What a great snippet, Olivia! And happy Monday release! Can’t wait 🙂
That was so sweet, I loved it, Olivia.
great short story. Loved it and happy new year.
What a sweet story.
Looking forward to reading last call
That would be soooo awesome if that could happen for someone this year! Being married to an Army man I sooo get this. 🙂
Olivia, I just read the excerpt for Last Call and it was hilarious!! I can’t wait to read the rest! I’m sure I’ve sounded like Joanne on more than one occasion! 😉
Happy New Year!
This was my favorite of the stories. I loved it.
AWWWWWW, very sweet story!
Wow, that was unexpected…and so nice!
happy new year!
Love the sweetness… perfect
Great story thanks for helping me bring in the new year 🙂
venusbookluvrAT yahoo DOT com
That is a great little story. Nice surprise for her.
Happy New Year!
Oh gosh, that gave me goosebumps and so beautiful!!! Loved it. Now I’m teary eyed!
Too huge congrats on your upcoming book! So will check it out!
Happy new years!
cathiecaffey @ gmail.com