Welcome to my blog! You should have come from Ella Drake’s site, and if you’re just stumbling across this post, head on over to Paige Tyler’s place, that’s where the fun began. I hope you take some time to look around. My contribution to the grand prize is a copy of my contemporary romantic suspense  Préjà Vu. Ryann can see the future, and one night she gets a glimpse of a steamy encounter with Trevor Kearney. Here is a tiny excerpt, and a picture of how I see Trevor…just to get your imaginations going. See those green eyes? I’m a sucker for green eyes…
Ryann was sitting upright in her bed. The sheet fell away from her to pool at her waist. She had no idea if she actually shouted the one word, or if it had been part of the dream, but it woke her just the same.
She gathered the sheet into a moist wad at her chest. She was shivering. Cold? No, she was covered with perspiration, even the tee shirt she wore was damp.
Oh yes … a dream. A wonderful dream. It was sinful in its eroticism, alarming with its clarity. Ryann closed her eyes to replay it. It began with sound only. Blackness surrounded her.
She was lying in bed. Completely nude. A heavy arm was wrapped around her, a wall of masculinity pressed against her back. She was being slowly awakened by a playful tongue batting against her earlobe.
“Mmm … Trevor?”
“Yes ma’am. At your service,” his low voice rumbled through the stillness.
She grinned, but didn’t open her eyes. “What are you doing?” she moaned.
“Shh … I’m sleeping. I’m having the most amazing dream…”He continued his seduction of her ear, then moved his lips down along the slim line of her neck.
His breath felt hot on her skin. Her temperature rose to match it; blood flooded her from head to toe.
Ryann turned her head to reach his mouth. He met her lips with a kiss filled with carnal energy. His velvety tongue speared into her mouth and stroked hers until she writhed against him in effort to get ever closer. One strong hand slid up her torso until it covered her breast, her nipple puckered in full arousal. When he rolled it between two fingers, she squealed then struggled to turn toward him. Only then did she open her eyes.
So now you know what Ryann saw when she opened her eyes. Not a bad way to wake up, right? Okay, so really this guy’s name is Nic Luhrs, but I’m allowed creative liberties, right?
I’ve had a few dreams that I wish were prophetic… not the showing-up-to-work-without-a-shirt dream…I can do without those.
Also, I’m running a little giveaway of my own. Buy any of my available print books, and go into a weekly drawing for your choice of ebook! Details are here on my GIVEAWAY page. The weekly drawings will only go through the end of February, so do it now!
Okay folks, leave your comments, and it’s on to the next stop on our tour, which is Pinching Abe’s blog.
Don’t get any crazy ideas, Abe isn’t one of our hotties…
Thanks for stopping by!
Trevor sounds oh so nice!!
Oh! He is so cute! See, they don’t make men like that in the sticks of Northern Missouri! lol!
I love those green eyes also!
Great eye candy!
I can see the appeal maybe will all be dreaming of trevor tonight
checking out all the hotties on the tour. My own is about six stops ahead, and I’ve already found tons of new hotties to dream about. This is fun.
Trevor sounds nice and is HOT!
My God woman! He is amazing!! Thank you for being so generous and sharing him with us!! <3
Oh well I’m a sucker for muscles and he sure does have those too!
What a way to wake up!
I’m a sucker for green eyes like that, too!
Those are the kind of dreams I need…
Thanks for sharing, he is a doll.
Thanks for the hot eye candy and the great excerpt. I sure am loving this tour.
Great hotness we get to see today! It really is TGIF!
What a great contest. Thanks for being part of it.
Oh, my.. that’s all I can say is “oh, my” because I’m drooling!
Oh, I can’t wait to read the whole thing!
I’d enjoy waking up that way!
Very nice excerpt. Too bad Nic isn’t part of your giveaway. *sigh*
Sounds like a hot read!
Sounds good!
Wow. That’s hot… the artwork under that blog post is even HAWTER. How did I not know about Dylan Ricci???????/
It’s a crime I’ve never heard of him.
All sizzling!
Love to win e‑books, Now, if I can just get my parents to spend part of their contest win from Best Buy to get me an e‑book reader, I would be in heaven.
Plus, the eye candy, you made my day.
Leslie Jane