Hap­py Earth Day Blog Hoppers!!

You should have reached my blog from the link you found at:

Do your part in sav­ing water…SHOWER DON’T BATHE
(Save even more water by show­er­ing togeth­er, right?!)
(Excerpt from Moth­er Nature Net­work MMN.com)

Near­ly 17 per­cent of house­hold water use takes place in the show­er, adding up to more than 1.2 tril­lion gal­lons annu­al­ly across the coun­try.
Show­er­ing instead of bathing can save more than 50 gal­lons of water each time. If you do take a bath, the EPA rec­om­mends clos­ing the drain imme­di­ate­ly and adjust­ing water tem­per­a­ture as it fills up.
To test your show­er­head­’s effi­cien­cy, show­er with a one-gal­lon buck­et. If it fills up in less than 20 sec­onds, you prob­a­bly need a low flow show­er­head; cheap­er ones run about $15. (You might as well keep the buck­et in the show­er. You can use that water to irri­gate your gar­den or lawn rather than let­ting it run down the drain.)

Okay folks…tear your eyes away…I promise you’ll find more deli­cious­ness along the way. Next up, get your drool bibs ready for a stop over at Gem’s blog… http://www.gemsivadauthor.blogspot.com/

Don’t forget~you must leave a com­ment to be entered to win the grand prize at the end of the blog tour, which includes a down­load of my LSB release Wyoming Solace! I hope you enjoyed your vis­it, and fol­low my blog for updates on my upcom­ing LSB release Préjà Vu and week­ly eye candy.


20 thoughts on “

  1. Good morn­ing Alan­na,
    Thank you for the eye can­dy. I love tak­ing long hot baths (my favorite read­ing spot), but after read­ing your post I will cut back on the num­ber I take. Thanks for the buck­et idea. Have a good day. 🙂

  2. I will have to try out your buck­et idea. I just moved into a new place, but I don’t think the show­er­head is a low flow one. I like the eye can­dy too.

  3. Good sug­gest about the buck­et, we do have a low flow show­er­head. I do like to take baths though, but have start­ed to cut back.
    I like the eye candy!

  4. Oh my … *fan­ning* I wish I could push that show­er door a lit­tle to the right. Hee­hee. Hap­py Earth Day! *Hugs*

  5. Do you think he needs his back scrubbed? I can use the envi­ron­men­tal­ly approved soap to wash his love­ly shoul­ders and back. Hmmmm?

  6. Wow I’d be more then will­ing to save more water and take a show­er with two of mr. show­er above. 😉

    I just got a notice from the water com­pa­ny for the city I live in that they are rais­ing rates for those that use an above aver­age amount of water a day. Although they did­n’t put what the aver­age was. All in order for peo­ple to be more con­science of how much they use.

  7. Thanks every­one for your com­ments. Looks like mine aren’t show­ing up for some reason…giving it anothe shot. Good luck to all you read­ers in the final grand prize!!

  8. I’d like to save water by show­er­ing with some­one.
    Alan­na, do you think you could send that hot­tie over to me to help me out?

  9. Wow Ann Marie you lucky thing! You’re the grand prize win­ner!! Congrats!

    Thanks again every­one for join­ing us!

  10. Hap­py Earth Day Every­one! Yum­my eye can­dy! I just got a new show­er head works great on both of us the same time.

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