(Excerpt from Mother Nature Network MMN.com)
Nearly 17 percent of household water use takes place in the shower, adding up to more than 1.2 trillion gallons annually across the country.
Showering instead of bathing can save more than 50 gallons of water each time. If you do take a bath, the EPA recommends closing the drain immediately and adjusting water temperature as it fills up.
To test your showerhead’s efficiency, shower with a one-gallon bucket. If it fills up in less than 20 seconds, you probably need a low flow showerhead; cheaper ones run about $15. (You might as well keep the bucket in the shower. You can use that water to irrigate your garden or lawn rather than letting it run down the drain.)
Okay folks…tear your eyes away…I promise you’ll find more deliciousness along the way. Next up, get your drool bibs ready for a stop over at Gem’s blog… http://www.gemsivadauthor.blogspot.com/
Don’t forget~you must leave a comment to be entered to win the grand prize at the end of the blog tour, which includes a download of my LSB release Wyoming Solace! I hope you enjoyed your visit, and follow my blog for updates on my upcoming LSB release Préjà Vu and weekly eye candy.
Great suggestion about the bucket and lovely eye candy.
Good morning Alanna,
Thank you for the eye candy. I love taking long hot baths (my favorite reading spot), but after reading your post I will cut back on the number I take. Thanks for the bucket idea. Have a good day. 🙂
I will have to try out your bucket idea. I just moved into a new place, but I don’t think the showerhead is a low flow one. I like the eye candy too.
I already have the low flow shower head and love it! Especially when I’m sharing it LOL
Good suggest about the bucket, we do have a low flow showerhead. I do like to take baths though, but have started to cut back.
I like the eye candy!
Hi Alana,
Already showering together with hubby!:o)
Thanks for the bucket idea, will definitely try this on our showerheads.
cathy m
Thanks Alanna!
Great Idea using the bucket. I am all for sharing showers 😉
Share and share alike, I say. Hope he has a really big.…Hot water heater. 😉 hehe
Oh my … *fanning* I wish I could push that shower door a little to the right. Heehee. Happy Earth Day! *Hugs*
Sharing showers can be lots of fun.
Happy Earth Day!
Showering is definitely the way to go…
all this eye candy is making me hot!!LOL
I think I need a shower.
Do you think he needs his back scrubbed? I can use the environmentally approved soap to wash his lovely shoulders and back. Hmmmm?
I’ll climb in with him to save water any day. Or how about every day? Lol.
Wow I’d be more then willing to save more water and take a shower with two of mr. shower above. 😉
I just got a notice from the water company for the city I live in that they are raising rates for those that use an above average amount of water a day. Although they didn’t put what the average was. All in order for people to be more conscience of how much they use.
Thanks everyone for your comments. Looks like mine aren’t showing up for some reason…giving it anothe shot. Good luck to all you readers in the final grand prize!!
I’d like to save water by showering with someone.
Alanna, do you think you could send that hottie over to me to help me out?
Wow Ann Marie you lucky thing! You’re the grand prize winner!! Congrats!
Thanks again everyone for joining us!
Happy Earth Day Everyone! Yummy eye candy! I just got a new shower head works great on both of us the same time.