Hero Hating

I want­ed a char­ac­ter who was­n’t the typ­i­cal nice-guy. I need­ed some­one who was hard-edged. dis­il­lu­sioned. My edi­tor Dean­na sug­gest­ed that I “set­tle into a char­ac­ter’s brain”, so I did, and wrote a few chap­ters. Wow. I real­ly don’t like him! He’s a real jerk! I write a bit more, and just get more and more disgusted.

Can I keep writ­ing this guy? What do I do with him…make him the vil­lain instead of the hero!?

It’s sad. He’s chang­ing my book by being this way, and I can’t seem to make him behave.

(I did give him a bloody nose, thanks to the hero­ine, but I’m still not satisfied.)

Whadd'ya think?