Saturday Status

I know, it’s been a while. You’d think I have lots of news to share, but I real­ly don’t have a whole lot, which is why it’s been a while since I post­ed any kind of update. It’s autumn already. The sum­mer went too quick­ly. In anoth­er month or so I’ll be won­der­ing (again) why I live here.

Work in Progress News ~ So my m/m ski instruc­tor and vio­lin­ist wip, titled Let­ters from Vic­tor was just not feel­ing right. Then I read a few books in first per­son and thought maybe that’s what was wrong. So I changed LfV from third per­son to first, and I actu­al­ly like the way it’s work­ing. I’ve nev­er tried first per­son before, so this might be a total flop. We’ll see. I’m at 21K, so about halfway I think. Still pants­ing this one.
Favorite Song of the Week ~  Pen­ta­tonix cov­ered that funky song Where Are Ü Now. I think I like this ver­sion better.

Back­list Review ~ Night Owl Reviews gave Last Call 4 14 stars:

I real­ly enjoyed the way it played out. There is a play­ful feel­ing that I real­ly enjoyed. There are also a few seri­ous parts but over­all there is just this warm, play­ful feel­ing that enhanced the read­ing experience.

Tweet of the Week ~ 

Indus­try News ~ Looks like Oys­ter, the sub­scrip­tion ebook ser­vice is shut­ting it’s vir­tu­al doors. This leaves Scribd and Ama­zon Kin­dle Unlim­it­ed as sub­scrip­tion ser­vices. I’m pret­ty sad to see this go, though I was­n’t a pay­ing cus­tomer, so I guess it’s part­ly my fault…[source]

What I’m read­ing ~ I’m read­ing San­dra Brown’s lat­est. I usu­al­ly devour hers on release day, but this time I’m tak­ing my time to savor.

Craw­ford Hunt wants his daugh­ter back. Fol­low­ing the death of his wife four years ago, Craw­ford, a Texas Ranger, fell into a down­ward spi­ral that left him rel­e­gat­ed to deskwork and with his five-year-old daugh­ter Geor­gia in the cus­tody of her grand­par­ents. But Craw­ford has cleaned up his act, met all the court imposed require­ments, and now the fate of his fam­i­ly lies with Judge Hol­ly Spencer. (blurb con­tin­ued, click the cover)

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ Okay, it’s anoth­er ad. But it’s a Kleenex ad, so grab some.

Book Snip­pet ~ From Last Call:

We’ve been keep­ing an eye on her. She’s in no con­di­tion to drive.”

No shit. The woman in the car was obliv­i­ous to the men out­side. She tossed her head side to side and sang into an imag­i­nary micro­phone. “Yeah, I gath­ered that.” He walked around Joanne’s thump­ing car and knocked on her window.

The first thing he saw was a big pink bub­ble. When it popped, she pulled the gum back into her mouth, smiled and waved.

Cute. A mass of blonde waves and a smat­ter­ing of freck­les across her nose. She looked like someone’s baby sis­ter, all right. Eric smiled and motioned for her to roll down the window.

She blinked a cou­ple of times before she nod­ded, curls bounc­ing on her cheeks. She held up a fin­ger while she fum­bled on the door pan­el. Eric chuck­led when she locked and unlocked the doors sev­er­al times before the win­dow came down, and hip-hop music blared through the opening.

Well, hel­lo there, cutie pie. What’s your name? I’m Joanne, but you can call me…um…Joanne.” She climbed up to kneel on the seat and lean out through the win­dow, prop­ping her gen­er­ous breasts on one fore­arm and twist­ing a fin­ger through her hair with the oth­er hand in a drunk­en, flir­ta­tious ges­ture. He amend­ed his first impres­sion. This was no lit­tle girl.

Okay, that’s it for me. I hope you all have a won­der­ful weekend.

Whadd'ya think?