New Covers

I know it’s been a while since I updat­ed my blog. Most­ly because I haven’t done much writ­ing late­ly. My muse seems to have fled the coun­try. I’m pret­ty jeal­ous of her.

Any­way, you might have heard that Samhain Pub­lish­ing is clos­ing its doors at the end of the month. I can’t tell you how thrilled I was when I first signed with them. They were super good to me, and they seemed to have the mag­ic touch. I loved just about every­thing about them. What this means is that the rights of five of my books will be returned to me. I pon­dered send­ing them to the only oth­er pub­lish­er I trust right now (Cari­na Press) but in the end I decid­ed to just recov­er and self pub­lish them through Dark Moun­tain Books. These should be back up for sale some­time in the begin­ning of March.

Let me know what you think!



Whadd'ya think?