Saturday Status 5/9/2015

739938_blogYou’ll nev­er guess what’s going on out­side my win­dow today. Unless you’re a neigh­bor of mine.…or maybe you fol­low me on Twit­ter and you’ve seen my com­plain­ing.  Yep, it’s a snow­storm. In May. I hope it clears up by Tues­day, because I’ll be on the road. I know I swore I would­n’t go to RT, but then a few things fell into place like first find­ing out that SANDRA BROWN WILL BE THERE!!!! then very cheap air­line tick­ets, and final­ly three very nice peo­ple who are will­ing to put up with my snor­ing for a cou­ple nights. So yeah, Dal­las TX is about to get a whole lot of Alan­na. And prob­a­bly some Olivia as well.

Work in Progress News ~ I start­ed a new work in progress. sigh I’ve got so many wips in the fire it’s ridicu­lous! One of these days I’ll even fin­ish one of them!

Favorite Song of the Week ~ I was once a very big fan of Bare­naked Ladies. It was very sad when one of the found­ing mem­bers left the group, and their sound changed. This is their new sin­gle though, album out in June, and I’m cau­tious­ly optimistic.

Back­list Review ~ From Got Erot­ic Romance, by Jil­lian, for Fine Print:

Wow…as an author myself, I was blown away by this sto­ry. It has everything…wonderfully devel­oped char­ac­ters, a deli­cious love sto­ry and a bit of sus­pense thrown in. I absolute­ly adored the build­ing, halt­ing rela­tion­ship between Kara and Derek. And I think the author hit the mark (at least with me) because I fell com­plete­ly in love with Derek. He’s the quin­tes­sen­tial hero. And the way he wove his patient and lov­ing way around the anal-reten­tive Kara was beau­ti­ful to watch. Seri­ous­ly, this was one of the best books I’ve read in a very long time. Nice job, Alan­na Coca. I can’t wait to read more from you!”


Tweet of the Week ~ 




What I’m read­ing ~ I’m get­ting ready to pack for Dal­las, and know­ing I’ll meet San­dra Brown, I had to choose only TWO books to have her sign. So I’m bring­ing the book by her pen name that I read when I was 12, that start­ed my love for romance. This is the cov­er, too. It’s a great west­ern set in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry with some sus­pense ele­ments. sigh I love this book so much. So I reread it, for about the 97th time. It comes out in dig­i­tal in Decem­ber. I pre-ordered it two years ago…



Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ Hap­py Moth­er’s Day.  Grab a tissue.

Book Snip­pet ~

What is with you late­ly?” Krista twirled her Chi­nese noo­dles around her chop­sticks, while Kara poked at her food.

What do you mean? Noth­ing’s with me.”

Yeah, so that’s the prob­lem. You’re act­ing like you did after Bud­dy got run over in sev­enth grade.”

Krista was ten months younger than Kara, and their birth­days fell so that they were actu­al­ly enrolled in the same grade at school. They had been insep­a­ra­ble since they could both walk. They rarely fought while grow­ing up, and with hav­ing polar oppo­site col­or­ing and per­son­al­i­ties, they were often con­fused for best friends rather than sis­ters, which was just fine with them.

Now, star­ing into her Irish twin’s face, Kara could­n’t help but unload. “It’s the guy. The donor I found last month.”

The guy you stalked? Not pan­ning out? Did he fail the phys­i­cal?” Kris cov­ered her sis­ter’s hand on the table.

No, phys­i­cal­ly he was fine. Per­fect even.” Too per­fect. “But he want­ed to change some of the con­di­tions of the contract.”

Like what?”

Kara looked around the crowd­ed eat­ing area where they sat sur­round­ed by parked strollers and exhaust­ed shop­pers. No one who was close enough to hear was lis­ten­ing; they were par­ents busy calm­ing down their chil­dren or teens flirt­ing with passersby.

Kara was glad that Kris had brought this up. She had been hop­ing to get all of this off of her chest for the last week. Well, ten days real­ly, but she’d tried to come to terms with it before invit­ing help. She shoved her cup of noo­dles away, and gave her sis­ter a sad smile.

He…uh…wanted to bypass the clinic.”

Kris wrin­kled her brow in con­fu­sion, and Kara raised her eye­brow in a telling gesture.

Oh! Oh God! You mean he want­ed to—”

Yes. Some­thing I was­n’t pre­pared for, to say the least,” Kara grumbled.

Kris’s lips twitched. Kara knew her sis­ter was hid­ing a smirk, or even an out­right laugh.

At Ease by Olivia Brynn 200x300Before I go, I’ve got BIG NEWS! Olivi­a’s re-release At Ease is up for pre­order! Check it out HERE where you can read chap­ter one and see where it’s available. 

Okay folks, you prob­a­bly won’t hear from me again until after I get back from Dal­las. Fol­low me on Twit­ter, I’ll be post­ing a lot of pic­tures and Vines!

Whadd'ya think?