Saturday Status 4/4/15

Hap­py Easter/Passover Week­end!  I’m cur­rent­ly orga­niz­ing the annu­al trea­sure hunt for my daugh­ter, even though she told me she did­n’t need one this year. I don’t hide eggs because my dog will eat any­thing left out. And many things not left out.

Work in Progress News ~ A love­ly read­er emailed me (Olivia) ask­ing about Ris­ing Heat, the sec­ond book in the Earth Scents series, the fol­low up to Falling Star. That email got me think­ing about that poor book. Ris­ing Heat has been pushed to the back burn­er so many times. I blame Dean (the hero) for not speak­ing to me. I think we got into a nev­er end­ing cycle of pout­ing. So I opened RH up, we’ll see if I get any bet­ter results this time around.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Mod­est Mouse is a real­ly neat band. Last week they released a new album, this is their first sin­gle. The video is a bit…um…artistic:

Back­list Reviews ~ First, let me tell you that COMPANY INK is now FREE! on most etail­er sites! (Ama­zon is always last to get the memo) Links are all next to the Com­pa­ny Ink cov­er right HERE. Okay, now a review for Cov­er Sto­ry, anoth­er short by Olivia that has­n’t received many reviews. Holler at me if you’d like a copy in exchange for your opin­ion! This one is from Karen over at Goodreads:

Cov­er Sto­ry is a taste­ful­ly writ­ten and incred­i­bly hot sto­ry that has you turn­ing the pages to find out where the fan­ta­sy takes Cate. It is very sen­su­al and I thor­ough­ly enjoyed it. You’ll find your­self want­i­ng to read it again – prefer­ably with a part­ner near­by! Fans of con­tem­po­rary erot­ic romance are going to love this one.

Tweet of the Week ~ 

Indus­try News ~ By now you’ve heard about the Dear Author blog vs. Ellora’s Cave pub­lish­er. This week Jane from DA announced that she’d been secret­ly pub­lished as a new adult author, she’s been writ­ing since 2012, and even has a movie deal in the works. My first thought was “wow, that’s great, con­grats!” My fol­low­ing thoughts were tan­gled. There are sev­er­al authors who have put their unclus­tered views out there in the web, if you’d like to check that out. Grab some popcorn.

YtKWhat I’m read­ing ~ Okay, I admit I bought this just because it’s only $1.99, but I have read and enjoyed book one and two in this series. Click the cov­er to get your own copy while the price is so good.

Emma Shaw needs a hus­band, and fast! Not because she’s inter­est­ed in romance—after all, she’s too busy with her land­scap­ing company—but because Grand­ma Shaw is com­ing to town, and she will have non­stop ques­tions about Emma’s (stag­nant) love life.

Sean Kowal­s­ki no soon­er leaves the army than he’s recruit­ed by Emma to be her fake fiancé. Sean does­n’t like the decep­tion, but he can’t help his attrac­tion to the feisty brunette. A lit­tle pre­tend kiss­ing won’t hurt anyone—especially when there’s no chance he’ll fall for a woman with deep roots in a town he’s not plan­ning to call home. But when fake, inno­cent kiss­es lead to very real, explo­sive sparks, Emma and Sean dis­cov­er that their big ruse might just lead to happily-ever-after….

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~

Book Snip­pet ~ From Cov­er Story:

Zoe says you’re a banker.” Bo lift­ed a strand of hair away from her temple.

She pulled her focus away from the mechan­i­cal mon­stros­i­ty Kei­th was cre­at­ing, and focused again on the man sit­ting close beside her. “Not exact­ly. Zoe tells peo­ple I’m a banker because it’s eas­i­er to explain.”

So why don’t you explain?”

She smiled. “It’s not very inter­est­ing. I’m sure you don’t real­ly want to hear details.”

We’re going to get pret­ty inti­mate in the next few hours.” He raised one eye­brow. “I don’t like to get naked with a com­plete stranger.”

Kei­th snort­ed. “Liar. You’d take your clothes off to order a pizza.”

No one’s talk­ing to you.”

The pho­tog­ra­ph­er snapped a pic­ture of Bo’s snarl. “Show­time, Romeo. Let’s see some skin.” Kei­th ducked back down, and snapped a few pictures.

Skin? I can’t do this. Cate’s hands were damp with sweat, and she’d tan­gled her fin­gers togeth­er almost painfully.


That’s all I’ve got for you this week­end. If you cel­e­brate East­er or Passover, have a great one! If not, enjoy your weekend!

Whadd'ya think?