Saturday Status 1/31/15

20100827-dwarfed3Work in Progress News ~ Well, I did­n’t get a lot done on my wip, but I did refresh my web­sites! Both Alan­na and Olivi­a’s got facelifts. Please check them out! My favorite part is the book excerpts and oth­er info. just click on a cover.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ The hero in my wip is a vio­lin­ist, and although Ludovi­co Ein­au­di is known for his piano  com­po­si­tions, here is one piece that my hero just played for me:

Tweet of the Week ~ When acclaimed neu­ro­phys­i­ol­o­gist and best­selling author Colleen McCol­lough passed away, one news­pa­per print­ed a hor­ri­ble obit­u­ary. (recap here) Twit­ter did­n’t stand for it.

What I’m read­ing ~ This new adult book made me cry! And I liked it! Blurb:

Jet Tay­lor is the quin­tes­sen­tial bad boy. A wom­an­iz­er. A fight­er. Dan­ger­ous. The type of guy most girls do their best to avoid. But Zoe Janes is no saint her­self. In fact, she sees in Jet the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­tract her­self from her respon­si­bil­i­ties at home and the mis­takes that keep her trapped there. He’s gor­geous, likes to par­ty, and is clear­ly only inter­est­ed in hav­ing fun—just like Zoe.  The more time they spend togeth­er, the hard­er it is for Zoe to stick to her “fun only” mantra. Jet is get­ting under her skin, mak­ing her believe things could actu­al­ly be dif­fer­ent. She knows they’re both trapped by the sins of their past but Jet is start­ing to make her think free­dom might actu­al­ly be possible.
And that makes him the most dan­ger­ous boy of all.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~

Book Snip­pet ~ From Wyoming Solace:




Okay boys and girls. That’s all for me. Have a great week.

Whadd'ya think?