Saturday Status 2/2/13

clocksmashHap­py Ground­hog Day!  I try to watch this movie every Feb­ru­ary 2nd. I’m tempt­ed to kid­nap the ground­hog most years. I feel ya, Bill!

Work in Progress News ~ Still pick­ing at Falling Star 2 (or 1.5?) I keep going back to cut words because I seem to want to go off on some dia­logue tan­gent and the sto­ry isn’t going any­where. Jade is a chatterbox!

Favorite Song of the Week ~  I like this song for two main rea­sons. One is because I can belt out the cho­rus (in my car usu­al­ly with the vol­ume way up) and I sound SO GOOD! When I’m alone. The oth­er? Guyliner.

Also, I think I’m the only one who sees the Adam Ant similarities.

Tweet of the Week ~

What I’m read­ing ~ Make You Sweat by Pia Veleno: Dur­ing his first vis­it to the fit­ness cen­ter, Tyler meets the sculpt­ed and toned Cody Daw­son, fit­ness instruc­tor and sexy gay man. Not only does Cody help Tyler learn how to use the strength train­ing equip­ment, but he crash­es through Tyler’s fan­tasies and lures him into bed.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ Good guys make the best heroes.

Book Snip­pet ~ From PreView:

She stud­ied the knot of his tie, pic­tur­ing his hands as they tied the silk. She imag­ined watch­ing those nim­ble fin­gers but­ton­ing his crisp shirt, tuck­ing it into his form­fit­ting trousers. Even sim­ply tying his shoes. The inti­ma­cy of imag­in­ing this man dress­ing for their date was enough to make her shiv­er. She start­ed again with the tie and pic­tured him loos­en­ing it. Slid­ing it from around his neck and toss­ing it aside. Then the but­tons, one by one slip­ping through the holes, expos­ing a wedge of that smooth, hard chest…

Stop it, Ryann,” he groaned.

She blinked a cou­ple times and brought him back into focus. “Stop what?”

He grinned dev­il­ish­ly and leaned toward her. One hand snaked around her neck and pulled her cheek against his. “Stop look­ing at me with those hun­gry eyes, or I’ll be tempt­ed to take you right here, and damn any­one who might not like to watch.” He fin­ished his lit­tle speech with a ten­der nip of her ear­lobe, then sat back in his seat.

When you’re done read­ing this sta­tus, be sure to click HERE! And hap­py Ground­hog Day 🙂

2 thoughts on “Saturday Status 2/2/13

  1. I could’ve sworn I read this sta­tus yes­ter­day… strange…

    To think that the sto­ry­line of that movie occurred over the course of 10 years… 

    Hap­py Ground­hog Day!

  2. You’ll read it again tomor­row too. 🙂

    Every time I watch that movie I try to count the days, but I nev­er make it through. I bet we can Google to find out exact­ly. Thanks for stop­ping by!

Whadd'ya think?