Saturday Status 2/9/13

First of all, I hope every­one in the east is safe and warm with the win­ter storm. While you all name your storms after Dis­ney fish though, we here in Wyoming will con­tin­ue to get 15 inch­es of snow and not com­plain. We’re tough like that. Sec­ond­ly, isn’t that pic­ture of Calvin awe­some? Some won­der­ful guy took some C&H pic­tures and super­im­posed them onto some real pho­tos. Click on that pic­ture to see more.

Work in Progress News ~ Soooo close to fin­ish­ing this book! Well, it’s not a long one, so I should­n’t be too proud of myself. This will be the sec­ond book in the Earth Scents series, but since it’s most­ly just an epi­logue to Falling Star mixed with a pro­logue of Dean’s sto­ry titled Ris­ing Heat, I’m label­ing it as Earth Scents Book 1.5. I hope that makes sense. I’ve thought of a title…I think. I’ll reveal that when I know for sure.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Sure­ly you all heard the news about a hitch­hik­er who saved the day when he stopped a man from a mur­der­ous ram­page. The Gre­go­ry Broth­ers (known for the Bed Intrud­er hit) are back with this song, which real­ly is touch­ing. And funny:

And you don’t even have to thank me for that ear­worm. That’s a bonus.

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ This week Ama­zon received a patent to open “an elec­tron­ic mar­ket­place for used dig­i­tal objects,” includ­ing e‑books, audio, video, com­put­er appli­ca­tions, and more. So this means sec­ond-hand ebooks and used mp3 music. The patent was filed in 2009, and just award­ed this week. Of course it sent quite a tremor through the indus­try, since there has always been a fine line between an ebook “pur­chase” and a “dig­i­tal license”. A patent does­n’t mean Ama­zon will fol­low through with any­thing, so for now it’s all just spec­u­la­tion. We shall see.[source]

What I’m read­ing ~ Croc and the Fox by Eve Langlais. The blurb is pret­ty long but here’s the hook: An ornery croc dis­cov­ers he does have a pulse when a hot to trot fox decides to latch on, and nev­er let go. Tongue in cheek humor, siz­zling moments and a tiny, evil vil­lain await.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ New­town CT received lit­er­al­ly tons of sym­pa­thy mail after the Sandy Hook school shoot­ing. Moth­er Jones, and Tum­blr Sto­ry­board have teamed up with a local hero to dig­i­tal­ly archive all of these as a memo­r­i­al. Grab a tissue:

Book Snip­pet ~ From Treat, my free read pre­quel to Retreat:

Well, here you go, Miss Ham­ton.” He hand­ed her Jaun­tie’s reins and her hel­met. “Show me what you know.”

She shook her hair back to put the hel­met on. “I know lots of things.” She lift­ed an eye­brow and saun­tered around him to mount the horse. “Might take all morn­ing to show you.”

Jake shook his head, a dev­il­ish grin hid­ing behind his eyes. “City slick­ers get so cocky with any kind of horsepower.”

That’s it for this week. Thanks for stop­ping by!

Whadd'ya think?