Saturday Status

Howdy! It was a good week here on top of the moun­tain. I got a lot done and we had some beau­ti­ful weath­er. Keep remind­ing me that glob­al warm­ing is a bad thing.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Ok it’s not so much the music as the dancer, but I think they both work well togeth­er.  What do you think?

 Tweet of the Week~


Work in Progress News ~ I’ve been work­ing dili­gent­ly on the sequel to Falling Star! I’m so proud of me. I had one real­ly good day, but the next day I end­ed up cut­ting almost a thou­sand words. That’s how it goes, I guess. As soon as I come up with a title I’ll let my cov­er artist know so we can get the ball rolling! Also this week I filled out my cov­er art request for Tak­ing Her There. That’s when I real­ized I nev­er men­tioned my hero­ine’s hair or eye col­or. I just left it up to Samhain’s cov­er artist. That should be fun!


Indus­try News ~ What would you think about an ebook­store that only charges after you’ve fin­ished the book? Or most of the book, or spent more than six sec­onds on a page? Read more about Total Boox

What I’m read­ing ~ I read a book I did­n’t like. I even fin­ished it. Not exact­ly sure why, though I did skim a good por­tion of it, the whole time I’m think­ing “wow, I hope no one skims my books”. So then I Â re-read one of San­dra Brown’s genre romances that she wrote back in prob­a­bly the ear­ly 1990s, not yet avail­able in dig­i­tal: “She was ter­ri­fy­ing­ly alone on a Texas high­way about to deliv­er her first child when a rugged stranger in a pick­up truck stopped to help her. Leigh Bran­som had lost her hus­band eight months before when he was trag­i­cal­ly killed on the job. This fate­ful meet­ing on a lone­some high­way brought a hand­some, new man into her life…yet he was a man with secrets and the pow­er to break her heart again…” Just found all the old cov­ers, had to post the one with the orig­i­nal title. Awesome!

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ Okay, this sto­ry has been all over the inter­net this week, but in case you missed it, here’s the gist: A Hous­ton wait­er, Michael Gar­cia, is being cel­e­brat­ed for stand­ing up for a lit­tle boy with Down syn­drome. The sto­ry is heart­warm­ing if you’d like to read and/or watch the news clip HERE

Book Snip­pet ~ This one from my work in progress which is as yet name­less (HELP!) which fea­tures Jade and Adam from Falling Star as they dri­ve down the high­way in front of her parents:

About thir­ty min­utes into the ride, Jade leaned over the cen­ter con­sole to lay her head on his shoulder.

Keep your head up where your mom can see.” Adam squeezed her leg. “I’m still try­ing to impress them.”

If you impressed them any more, they’d adopt you.”

He laughed. “That would make our rela­tion­ship a bit kinki­er then, would­n’t it?”

Well maybe,” she gig­gled. “But it would be good coun­try music song fodder.”

Oh, you’re gonna pay for that one.”

That’s enough out of me for the week. See you next Saturday!

One thought on “Saturday Status

  1. As a writer, that type of e‑bookstore is not ide­al. I’d still pre­fer peo­ple read my book, and if you don’t even plan to, don’t buy it. As a read­er, it is a great way to deal with those titles I pick up intend­ing to read, but nev­er quite get­ting to. Who knows… maybe it’s a nice idea that I am just not the right cus­tomer for.

    And don’t for­get, you should do an XKCD style romance cov­er. I am sure it’d sell! (I jest, but in this age…)

Whadd'ya think?