Saturday Status 10/13/12

Well, here we are, mid-Octo­ber already. I guess if I only post once per week the weeks seem to go faster. So far, not enough snow to actu­al­ly shov­el, so I’m still in denial about win­ter com­ing. Also, Octo­ber is the best month for base­ball! And my favorite play­er Derek Jeter is in the post sea­son look­ing as sexy as ever sigh swoon They just won the divi­sion series, so bring on the championship!

Favorite Song of the Week ~ I could­n’t help it.

Work in Progress News ~ I changed the start­ing point of this wip three times. Final­ly I got one that’s per­fect. I can always tell when it’s right when the words just flow. Now I’m just hop­ing the flow keeps flowing.

Back­list News ~ All my titles (except At Ease, but that’s the pub­lish­er’s choice) are avail­able at iTunes again! Com­pa­ny Ink got a new cov­er to com­mem­o­rate the occa­sion. What do you think? Sub­tly sexy. Thanks, Booknib­bles!

Indus­try News ~ You’ve heard of Spo­ti­fy, a sub­scrip­tion ser­vice for music? Well, what do you think about the same con­cept, but for books? Per­son­al­ly, I’d be all over it. All you can read for one month­ly price. I’ll be keep­ing my eye on this com­pa­ny: Oys­ter

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ Absolute­ly noth­ing out of the ordi­nary this week! Just the usu­al folks look­ing for my books for free. Which reminds me of a tweet an author sent out some time ago, but for the life of me I can’t dig it up so I’ll para­phrase: “It takes a barista 3 min­utes to make our $6 cup of cof­fee and we tip him. It takes an author over a year to write a book and we balk at pay­ing $4.99.” Deep thoughts.

What I’m read­ing ~ Dream­spin­ner Press keeps putting their titles up for free for one hour only. I was lucky enough to catch the tweet that announced Heart’s Home. I do love shifters and his­tor­i­cal m/m, so I snatched it up. I’m not fin­ished with it, but so far I’m lik­ing it. Great dia­logue and I love how the MCs have their own voices.

Hero Quote ~ Are you guys sick of read­ing my hero quotes? Should I switch to hero­ine quotes? Bad guy quotes?  Let me know. For now, here’s one from Cody in Wyoming Solace:

 “I know it’s wrong. You’ve been hurt, and you prob­a­bly don’t want to have any­thing to do with…a man. God help me, it doesn’t stop me from want­i­ng you. But I swear I’d nev­er do any­thing to hurt you.”

Okay, now  I’m going to get back to writ­ing. Have a great week­end and week!

2 thoughts on “Saturday Status 10/13/12

  1. The Yan­kees will lose!

    I’d dig a ser­vice like spo­ti­fy for books too! Maybe you should start one your­self. And maybe just do char­ac­ter quotes, might be eas­i­er to switch at will to what­ev­er quote from your char­ac­ters’ inspires you at the time.

    And the site is not bad at all. I nev­er got back to you about it, so I’ll let you know here. It isn’t as unin­tu­itive as I thought from my ini­tial visit.

    Bring the snow! Hope all is well.


  2. Ah thanks, Jere­my! There are a few inevitabil­i­ties in this world. One is the fact that it will snow in Octo­ber on top of a Wyoming moun­tain, the oth­er is the fact that the Yan­kees will win.


    Switch­ing to all char­ac­ter quotes is a good idea too. Thanks for stop­ping by!

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