Saturday Status 10/20/12

Ok first of all, base­ball is over for me for the year. I don’t want to talk about it. In bet­ter news, I’m in the mid­dle of a blog hop host­ed by JustRomance.Me.  You could win a Kin­dle Paper­white! I love mine… Just click the ban­ner above to join in the fun.

Favorite Song of the Week ~  This Is War by Thir­ty Sec­onds To Mars. A very pow­er­ful song and video. Yeah, it’s six min­utes, but total­ly worth it. Plus it includes the eye can­dy in uniform…

Work in Progress News ~So I start­ed a new book. I know, I know. This one is for a spe­cial call, with a dead­line of Novem­ber 3rd, so I have to kin­da hur­ry up on it. I’ve writ­ten the first 2K, and I do like how it’s com­ing along. I still need a hero name, so if you guys would­n’t mind leav­ing sug­ges­tions in the com­ments. He looks like this guy only not so wet.

Back­list News ~ I noticed the oth­er day that With a View, my free­bie com­pan­ion read to Pre­View has more reviews  on Ama­zon than any oth­er book I’ve writ­ten. The major­i­ty are very good. This week some­one men­tioned that maybe my blurb could be a bit bet­ter (and my title, but the title stays). I real­ly stink at blurb-writ­ing, and that read­er total­ly called me out on the amount of time I spent on that par­tic­u­lar blurb. Well played, read­er. So now I’ll be revising.

Indus­try News ~ This is just too good. An eread­er for under $15. No, there’s no zero miss­ing. The ‘txtr Bea­gle is a wifi free, back­light free basic every­day eink read­er that runs on AAA bat­ter­ies and syncs with blue­tooth. Talk about a great stock­ing stuffer!

What I’m read­ing ~ I just start­ed this one. Drag­on Actu­al­ly by GA Aiken. So far I’m lov­ing the dia­logue and the premise (Female war­rior being trained by a man she does­n’t want to desire and kept com­pa­ny by a drag­on she loves. I think you see where this is going…) GA Aiken is real­ly talented.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ This week some­one found me by search­ing “check the sta­tus on sat­ur­day pay”.  I always feel like such a dis­ap­point­ment when peo­ple look for impor­tant things and find my ram­blings instead. Sorry!!

Hero Quote ~ Actu­al­ly we’re going to go with “Book Quote” from now on. Some of my heroes are the strong silent type and they just don’t give me enough mate­r­i­al. So here we have a snip­pet from At Ease. This is Jaycee sit­ting in class right behind Tyler:

If she wig­gled her toes, she would brush the crisp shoul­der seam on his uni­form. She wouldn’t dare, but it was tempt­ing. She licked her lips, and stuffed down a groan.

Okay, I think that’s it for me. Along with the blog hop above, I’ll be in the chat room on Sun­day 10/21/12 at 7pm EST along with oth­er authors and read­ers from the hop. We always have a great time, I hope you’ll join us there. It’s easy to click into the room, noth­ing to sign up for or any­thing. Hope to see you there!


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