Saturday Status 10/6/12

Well, that’s it. Snow’s in the fore­cast.  I guess I should just be hap­py, I mean this sum­mer’s wild­fires were a direct result of the dry win­ter last year, so per­haps it’s a good thing. I’ll take up com­plain­ing about wind instead. Just kid­ding, I’d nev­er shut up.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ This should bring back some mem­o­ries. It’s nice to hear some music played by…yanno… musi­cal instru­ments and stuff.

Work in Progress News ~ Every week I write this sec­tion, I’m embar­rassed by the lack of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and I swear to do bet­ter the fol­low­ing week. This is why I don’t announce my word counts. I’m plug­ging away though. I actu­al­ly bought some pro­mo­tion­al mate­ri­als for Ris­ing Heat. So now I real­ly have to fin­ish this before the end of the year. I can do it!

Back­list News ~ Sto­ryfinds is fea­tur­ing my free reads on their site! Looks pret­ty good there, huh? Also, I’ve pulled a few books from Apple iTunes, but I’m work­ing on get­ting them back up as soon as pos­si­ble. If you’re an iOS user and are look­ing for For a Price, Cov­er Sto­ry, or Com­pa­ny Ink, rest assured they’ll be back up short­ly. Until then you can find a DRM free epub ver­sion for your iProd­uct at Smash­words or Barnes and Noble.

Indus­try News ~ Speak­ing of Barnes and Noble, this week they  announced their part­ner­ship with Microsoft. It looks like a col­lege text­book type of LLC. I hope some­one gets deep into the dig­i­tal text­book mar­ket! Those suck­ers are heavy! [source]

What I’m read­ing ~ So I caved, and bought a Kin­dle Paper­white. I. Love. It. Very sim­i­lar to my Kin­dle Touch, so there was­n’t much of a learn­ing curve. Any­way, I tried it out on quite a few books lol. I also start­ed one that was so bad that I did­n’t fin­ish (and that’s say­ing some­thing, I’m a com­pul­sive fin­ish­er) so I won’t men­tion that one. So instead I leave you with this YA by a very tal­ent­ed author with some great blood run­ning through her veins (she’s my cousin) Amy Kath­leen Ryan (yes, I did just drop her name) If you like Hunger Games, you’ll love this book (series) and so will your teen. It’s been very well reviewed. (I just set the record for the most paren­the­ses in one blog post I think.)

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ There are two good ones this week. This one: “tempt­ing tes­sa dirty?” (the answer is yes…kinda) and one that intro­duces a new word into my vocab­u­lary because I think it’s awe­some: “olivia eurot­ic” Eurot­ic! Isn’t that great? Now I’m going to write an erot­ic sto­ry about Euro­peans. Typos for the win.

Hero Quote ~ From Jake in the free read Treat, the pre­quel to Retreat:

I can go slow.” He slid one hand around her waist, the oth­er up her arm and around her neck. “Or I can pick up the pace just a bit to get just where I want to be. Christ, Andi. I want to kiss the hell out of you right now.”

Well? Think there was any hell left in Andi when he got done with her? Click the cov­er to down­load the sto­ry for free and find out.


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