Welcome, Casey Crow!

Hey every­one! I’ve got a guest blog­ger today. Casey Crow is brav­ing the cold Wyoming weath­er to join me here to tell us about her upcom­ing book! Check it out:  Isn’t the cov­er gor­geous? I love the focus on the hero­ine’s eyes. Very sexy. Here’s the blurb:

A divorcee ready to reen­ter the dat­ing world, Anna Ryan is deter­mined to be the best “prod­uct on the mar­ket,” which requires a lot more expe­ri­ence so she propo­si­tions sexy police offi­cer Chase Har­ris to teach her how to make hot, pas­sion­ate love as opposed to just hav­ing sex. He takes it a step fur­ther, instruct­ing each les­son based on The Twelve Days of Christmas.

Okay, now to turn this post over to Casey:

You know that show Mil­lion­aire Match­mak­er on Bra­vo, right? Of course you do. Pat­ti Stanger rocks with her take no crap from any­body self. I love it when she says “the peck­er does the pick­ing.” Well, that got me think­ing about a scene in my debut released Dec. 6th! In CAN’T FAKE THIS, Anna’s *that oth­er P word does the pick­ing. The attrac­tion she feels for Chase is instan­ta­neous. Here’s a snip­pet to illus­trate what I’m talk­ing about:

As I rum­maged through my clutch for a dose of lip gloss, Marisol cleared her throat and cut her gaze across the room. I fol­lowed her line of vision and… Holy shit. I do believe my freakin’ heart stopped. He wasn’t super­mod­el gor­geous, not with his shaved head and height a tad on the short side, but his swag­ger… His near-preda­to­ry con­fi­dence as he maneu­vered through the room made my eyes zero in on him. He locked on me, and I felt a slow, lazy smile spread across my lips. Sud­den­ly we were the only two peo­ple in the room. My blood pres­sure hitched a degree with every step he took, and that feel­ing a girl gets when her heart beats so fast she’s on the verge of throw­ing up? Yep, I had it. I believe the tech­ni­cal term is “lust at first sight.”

A sec­ond lat­er, his warm hand brushed my shoul­der, and I’m not kid­ding, I thought I might melt right off that stool. Even the fine hairs on my arms stood on end, com­plete­ly attuned to him and beg­ging for atten­tion. Need­less to say, my nip­ples gave him a proud salute.

Hi, I’m Chase Har­ris.” His heat­ed breath tick­led my ear as he leaned in to be heard over the coun­try rock band jam­ming out twen­ty feet away.

My lungs fold­ed and decid­ed breath­ing was no longer nec­es­sary. The brief con­tact ignit­ed a fiery liq­uid in the bot­tom of my tum­my. My pussy sim­mered for the first time in years with­out the aid of bat­ter­ies. “Anna Ryan,” I answered. “It’s nice to meet you.” Was it ever. I extend­ed my hand, which he ignored for a hug.

My nos­trils filled with the cit­rus scent of cologne, but under­neath I detect­ed some­thing more mas­cu­line, more pri­mal. I longed to bury my face in his soft gray fit­ted T‑shirt. The gar­ment out­lined every per­fect bulge. I couldn’t make out its graf­fi­ti design, but it very well could’ve said Eat Me and I would’ve hap­pi­ly obliged.

His gaze roamed my body, and the sexy glint in his eyes told me the risk of catch­ing a cold in this black strap­less mini was total­ly worth it. I might be in dire need of a boob job, but Chase didn’t seem to mind my neg­a­tive As. Then the space between us grew cold as he left my side to hug Marisol.

Cuba! Hey, woman. Great to see you.”

Hey, your­self.” She flashed me a shrewd grin.

I so owed that girl.

I’d love to hear about moments you’ve had where the attrac­tion blows you away!

Casey Crow is a Sum­ma Cum Laude grad­u­ate from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Alaba­ma with degrees in Busi­ness Man­age­ment and Dance.  She received her Mas­ter of Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mobile.  Casey resides in Mobile where she stays busy with her two young children.  She also works as a dance chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, pageant coach, pro­fes­sion­al emcee and mod­el, and cer­ti­fied Miss Amer­i­ca pre­lim­i­nary judge.  In fact, she is a for­mer Miss Uni­ver­si­ty of Alabama.  Casey writes erot­ic and spicy con­tem­po­rary romances with the tagline “Sexy, South­ern & Sassy.”  

Buy Kin­dle ver­sion on Ama­zon Buy all ver­sions at Loose Id.  Vis­it Casey at caseycrow.com CAN’T FAKE THIS Excerpt See the CAN’T FAKE THIS book trail­er Fol­low on Twit­ter caseye­crow and Face­book Casey Crow

2 thoughts on “Welcome, Casey Crow!

  1. Olivia, Thanks for hav­ing me! I’m excit­ed to be apart of your blog! You’re the one who is brave in Wyoming. I had shorts on yes­ter­day down South. Yep, I’m rub­bing that in. LOL 

    Hap­py hol­i­days. (I AM jeal­ous you’re get­ting a White Christmas.)

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