Saturday Status 12/17/11

A lit­tle late with this.  In the mid­dle of a busy weekend.

Remem­ber last week how I men­tioned that I had a believ­er at home? Well that sta­tus has changed to “informed”. Thanks to a lit­tle boy in the third grade who felt the need to share. Unfortunately.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ It’s YouTube’s Closed Cap­tion Fail–Christmas edi­tion. I’ll let Rhett and Link explain it:

Work in Progress News ~ I’ve been on page 89 in Wyoming Solace for a while now. I keep going back and tweak­ing scenes, research­ing dia­logue, and over­all just plain pro­cras­ti­nat­ing. I do have a new release date for WS, June 26, 2012 which is about six weeks ear­li­er! So I real­ly need to stop mess­ing around and fin­ish this rewrite! I also came up with anoth­er book idea, so that’s been per­co­lat­ing in the back of my mind. Along with the oth­ers there…

Indus­try News ~ For the last three weeks in a row, Ama­zon has been sell­ing at least a mil­lion Kin­dles per week. Go ahead and reread that. 1,000,000 Kin­dles each week. It’s pret­ty amaz­ing. That means three mil­lion new devices out there just wait­ing for new con­tent! I know I’ve got one under the tree just taunt­ing me right now.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ This week, along with the usu­al, I have this one: “bus hunks”. So I start­ed think­ing about this guy: I just real­ized his license plate was a soul patch. What a kick.

What I’m read­ing ~ I bought Sara Brooks’ Hard as Stone as an incen­tive to fin­ish Wyoming Solace. I thought if I told myself it was wait­ing for me, I’d quit dink­ing around. Instead, this guy was sit­ting on my desk­top whis­per­ing naughty things into my ear, and since I have no willpow­er, I suc­cumbed. I don’t even feel guilty about it! Blurb:

Brady thrives on sav­ing patients in his busy emer­gency room, but when things don’t go accord­ing to plan, he’s unpre­pared for a chance encounter. There’s some­thing famil­iar, and mys­te­ri­ous, about the down­right sexy-as-hell stranger he encoun­ters on a busy Chica­go street.

In Garrett’s world, there are no coin­ci­dences. He’s been the doctor’s secret guardian for years. Dri­ven by a burn­ing need unknow­ing­ly stirred by Brady more than a decade ago, Gar­rett final­ly breaks his silence. He steps in to show Brady there’s more to life than res­cu­ing those in need.

Roused by their des­per­ate pas­sion for one anoth­er, their desire reach­es an explo­sive break­ing point. Brady real­izes one night isn’t enough, but Gar­rett is bound by rules he can’t change. Now Brady’s heal­ing touch may save more than just a life–it may just save Garrett’s soul.

This is a beau­ti­ful sto­ry, and I’m glad my willpow­er sucks.

Hero Quote ~ from Olivi­a’s book Falling Star:

I don’t want to scare you away before I’ve had a chance to thor­ough­ly impress you with my wit and wisdom.”

I sup­pose that’s it for me. I’ll prob­a­bly skip next week­end’s post, I’m sure you under­stand. Have a Mer­ry Christ­mas, and Hap­py Hol­i­days to all!

Whadd'ya think?