Saturday Status 12/10/11

Wel­come! Are you in the hol­i­day spir­it yet? It’s slow­ly seep­ing into my bones.


I think the music is help­ing, and I’ve got a believ­er at home, so it’s hard not to get sucked into the joy. Wow, sound so cheer­ful, huh? Maybe I’ll try pep­per­mint candles.

Favorite Song of the Week ~  Some­one tweet­ed a link to this one a few days ago, and I read the copy. I did­n’t know that Bing Cros­by died just one month after record­ing this song, and one month before it aired on tele­vi­sion in 1977. I think this is one of my favorite cover/mashups. I found a ver­sion that left out the cheesy act­ing in the begin­ning, because I’m nice like that.


Work in Progress News ~ Work­ing dili­gent­ly on Alan­na’s Wyoming Solace. Did you know the word “okay” was­n’t in use in 1894? I’m using the online ety­mol­o­gy dic­tio­nary and find­ing lots of gems like this. I also dis­cov­ered that Cody, the hero in Wyoming Solace is the strong silent type. I can’t seem to get the man to say more than three sen­tences at a time. I guess that’s just how it’s gonna be.

Indus­try News ~ I’ve got noth­ing. You’re welcome.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ Well, oth­er than the nor­mal “hairy {celebri­ty} naked” search terms, which I won’t repeat here again, I got this one that made me smile: “sexy hairy trail”. You got it, Googler. Wel­come to the sexy hairy trail that is Olivia

What I’€™m read­ing ~I bought one of the Cari­na Press Hol­i­day novel­las. This is a con­tem­po­rary friends-to-lovers sto­ry that I’ve always been a suck­er for, and I read it in between chap­ters of my west­ern rewrite. I love Shan­non Stacey’s style.

Claire Rut­ledge still believes in love, despite los­ing her hus­band. So, after two years, she’s not sur­prised by the steamy dreams telling her it might be time to start mov­ing on. But she didn’t expect her friend Justin to have the star­ring role.

Justin McCormick has loved Claire since the moment he first saw her, but his best friend got there first. Now that Claire is ready to move on with her life, Justin is find­ing it hard­er than ever to hide his true feel­ings. And when they both get caught up in the hol­i­day spir­its at a par­ty, their sim­mer­ing mutu­al attrac­tion boils over into a night nei­ther of them can forget…

See? I read a Christ­mas themed book. I’m try­ing folks! Mistle­toe & Mar­gar­i­tas is def­i­nite­ly worth a read. Click the cov­er to get to Ama­zon and buy your copy.

Hero Quote ~ I went through Cov­er Sto­ry today, not sure why, but I found a typo and a plot­hole that drove me crazy, I had to fix it and reu­pload it to the ebook­stores. I’m so glad I have con­trol of them in order to be able to do that. While I was there I found a quote from Bo, the younger man in the May/December romance. I’ll have to set this one up though. Cate has just asked him if the dumb­struck women they just passed by was a com­mon occur­rence for him. His reply:

I pre­fer my women strik­ing. But not dumb.”

Last but not least, you’ll see in the post below that there’s one hel­lu­va blog hop going on right now! Just click the ban­ner below to get start­ed. We’re giv­ing away a brand new Kin­dle Fire, tons of ebooks, and you can meet some new authors and read some fes­tive snip­pets.  We’ll also be chat­ting at Gem Sivad’s chat room on Sat­ur­day night. Come on! Join the fun!

Whadd'ya think?