Saturday Status

Sat­ur­day already? Wow, sum­mer weeks go by so quick­ly. Well, here we go, my week­ly report

New Release News~ I got a great email from Cari­na Press, the pub­lish­er for Alan­na’s book Pre­View. Her roman­tic sus­pense comes out in about six weeks, and Cari­na Press is already plan­ning some great pro­mo­tions. It’s going to be released dur­ing their Roman­tic Sus­pense Week. I’m not going to divulge the pro­mo­tion plans, but I’m very excit­ed to be a part of them. More info as soon as plans are final­ized. If you like your love sto­ries with a lit­tle bit of heart pound­ing excite­ment, then mark the first week of Sep­tem­ber on your calendars.

Works In Progress News ~Well, I passed 20K on my m/m nov­el. Then two days ago I woke up with not only a plot, but the first para­graph and even the con­flict for a short sto­ry, so I had to drop every­thing to write it while it was still fresh in my mind. Now I used to do this often, but being scat­ter­brained is usu­al­ly frowned upon, so I worked hard on focus­ing on one WiP at a time, and tried to fin­ish. The prob­lem with that is when I get stalled, rather than work on some­thing that’s speak­ing to me, I just end up star­ing at the blank page. So call me a flighty pantser, but that’s how I roll. So this new one will be about 12–15K, a con­tem­po­rary m/m friends-to-lovers theme, which I’ve always want­ed to write. If it con­tin­ues to write itself like it’s been, I might have more for you soon.

Indus­try News ~ I touched on the fact that Bor­ders was clos­ing, and that seems to be the big indus­try news this week. I’m see­ing a lot of tweets from the pub­lish­ing indus­try reach­ing out to the Bor­ders employ­ees with employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, which real­ly warms my heart. Com­ic Con was held in San Diego, and while I don’t think my style would ben­e­fit from attend­ing such a con­fer­ence, the news com­ing out of Cali sounds like there was fun had by all attendees.

Real Life News ~ I’m not going to go on and on about how beau­ti­ful the weath­er up on top of this moun­tain is. I won’t tell you that I read news about heat waves and triple dig­its as I’m sit­ting out­side in the per­fect Wyoming weath­er. But I will enjoy it, because as much as I com­plain about my weath­er from Sep­tem­ber through June, you’re just going to have to give me July and August. Aren’t you glad I did­n’t say any­thing about the weath­er? In oth­er news, I gouged my shin on some aggres­sive Rub­ber­maid stor­age con­tain­ers, and it looks like my first time shav­ing with a real razor. Hey, I nev­er promised any­thing inter­est­ing in these updates.

Search Term of the Week aka How peo­ple found my web­site ~ One very spe­cial Googler found Alan­na’s web­site by search­ing: “rip her up nos­tril cocaina”. No. I did not make that up. How could I pos­si­bly make some­thing like that up? I’m pret­ty sure it’s from a Googler whose native lan­guage is not Eng­lish, but I doubt they found what they were look­ing for.

Hero Quote ~ A new fea­ture begin­ning this week. A quote from one of my heroes, just for fun. This week I’ve got Mar­cus from Posi­tion Secured:

It was damn hard to con­cen­trate on that perp when I knew you were there. I don’t know how many times I won­dered if you were naked under that robe before I focused on my job.”

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Speak­ing of weather…okay you prob­a­bly know the Nor­we­gian group A‑Ha from their 80’s hit Take On Me, or more accu­rate­ly, the pen­cil-draw­ing-real-life video that went with it. No, A‑Ha was­n’t a one hit won­der. In fact they have sev­er­al hits in the US, and they’re still togeth­er and tour­ing Europe. This song came out in the nineties, and I must say I like it bet­ter than the orig­i­nal. Let me know what you think. I’m a suck­er for harmony.

I think that will do it for me. I hope you are all enjoy­ing sum­mer as much as I am. Thanks for stop­ping by.


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