Six Sentence Sunday 2/6/11

Hap­py SSSun­day! Good grief, I for­get to add my link to the SSS Site and before I know it there are six­ty SSS par­tic­i­pants! I did­n’t even get around to every­one the week before!

Okay, on with the sto­ry, where Brynn is stopped in the park­ing garage by a stranger in a hat.

Before she could draw anoth­er breath, a sear­ing pain ripped through her stom­ach, then anoth­er at her ribs. She saw the man’s arm mov­ing back and forth with each blow, oth­er­wise she would nev­er believe that she was under attack. She took a breath to scream, but her gut seized in pain, and the only sound she could make was a high keen­ing noise. Nowhere near loud enough to rouse any assistance.

The sil­ver blade of the knife reflect­ed the flo­res­cent light­ing when he stepped back. Oh my God–he stabbed me.

Now, you all should have known he was­n’t the hero mak­ing an entrance. He’s wear­ing a Braves hat for God’s sake! 🙂

That’s it for me this week. Vis­it all the SSS par­tic­i­pants by check­ing out the offi­cial web­site. See you next Sunday!

38 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 2/6/11

  1. very vivid writ­ing, love how she goes through all the actions before it sinks in that she’s actu­al­ly been stabbed

  2. Ha, well you fooled me. Last week, I thought this might be the hero.

    The sud­de­ness of his attack, the way her sens­es go into slow motion, and how it takes her a moment to real­ize he’s attacked her, is so realistic.

    And this rais­es so many ques­tions! Why did he attack her? Will she survive?

    Hope you post more next time.

  3. As usu­al, I just want to park myself on your blog and wait for Brynn to show up. Now I’m anx­ious for her too.

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