Happy SSSunday! Good grief, I forget to add my link to the SSS Site and before I know it there are sixty SSS participants! I didn’t even get around to everyone the week before!
Okay, on with the story, where Brynn is stopped in the parking garage by a stranger in a hat.
Before she could draw another breath, a searing pain ripped through her stomach, then another at her ribs. She saw the man’s arm moving back and forth with each blow, otherwise she would never believe that she was under attack. She took a breath to scream, but her gut seized in pain, and the only sound she could make was a high keening noise. Nowhere near loud enough to rouse any assistance.
The silver blade of the knife reflected the florescent lighting when he stepped back. Oh my God–he stabbed me.
Now, you all should have known he wasn’t the hero making an entrance. He’s wearing a Braves hat for God’s sake!
That’s it for me this week. Visit all the SSS participants by checking out the official website. See you next Sunday!
Vivid and awful and scary. Great six!
Great description! That sounds horrible. Nope, he’s definitely not the hero. Hope the hero comes soon though to save her.
I KNEW he wasn’t the hero, but stabbed? Youch! Great six this week, Alanna.
Eep. Six sentences just aren’t enough. What happens next?!?!
Wow!! So vivid. I really want to read more next week.
Oooo…I’m hooked! I NEED MORE!!!
Stabbed! It made me wince. Good description. I’m coming back for more.
wonderful six. I want more.
Ouch! Great description and put us right into the action.
Great six. This has to do with her dirtbag ex doesn’t it?
very vivid writing, love how she goes through all the actions before it sinks in that she’s actually been stabbed
Great snippet!
Great description. Very gripping.
Wow, powerful and traumatic. Great job!
Vivid and descriptive. I like that she’s unsure the full thing that’s happening until the end of the section where she sees the knife. Very nice.
Ha, well you fooled me. Last week, I thought this might be the hero.
The suddeness of his attack, the way her senses go into slow motion, and how it takes her a moment to realize he’s attacked her, is so realistic.
And this raises so many questions! Why did he attack her? Will she survive?
Hope you post more next time.
OMG, I’m so worried. Is she going to be okay?
Very vivid description. Hope everything works out for her.
Intense! Got my attention.
Dammit — ouch!
Vivid and chilling. Great 6!
Awesome, six. I need to know more!
Thanks for sharing.
I knew that guy was trouble when he used her full name last week! >. Grrrrr. Killit!
This is the closest to being stabbed I’d ever like to be. Super descriptive and super scary. Awesome six! Bravo!
Owie… You did a really good job of making it feel painful.
Wow, that’s heavy duty. Nice snippet!
Wow, suspenseful. Now I have to check back for more, lol.
As usual, I just want to park myself on your blog and wait for Brynn to show up. Now I’m anxious for her too.
and intense six
Wow great suspense. Makes me wonder… Thanks for stopping by the blog. Btw, love the web layout.
Thanks for stopping by, everyone. The SSSes are always fun.
Wonderful description and LOL on the braves hat.
I’ll have to go back now and see if i thought he was the hero or not. *G
Oh wow. That was *intense*!
Nicely written! very intense!
Wow! Great description and action. Nice post!
Nice action. I hope someone steps in soon.