Six Sentence Sunday 2/20/11

Wel­come back! I’m doing two SSS posts today, be sure to check out my Alter Ego Olivia Bryn­n’s blog, show­cas­ing six sen­tences from tomor­row’s release Tes­sa’s Pride!

But while you’re here, I’ve got six more from my unti­tled WiP, pick­ing up where we left off last week.

She didn’t hear the dis­tinct hiss­ing sound of air, so the knife hadn’t punc­tured a lung. She took a deep breath, but stead­ied her­self when the wound on her abdomen flared painful­ly. She could have a punc­tured colon. Maybe her diaphragm, pos­si­bly her liv­er. She pinched her eyes closed. She did not want to think about the patient she’d lost dur­ing her ER rounds with sim­i­lar injuries.

That’s it this week! Check out all the oth­er mil­lions of SSSers at the Offi­cial Web­site.

28 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 2/20/11

  1. Since I read this and did­n’t miss a beat, pick­ing up the scene from last week, my con­clu­sion is that you have a strong sto­ry going here. I love her med­ical-pro­fes­sion­al stoicism.

  2. Wow, that would be a sober­ing thought. Calm and con­trolled but maybe with a bit of wor­ry about kar­ma there? She los­es a patient and then faces the same threat her­self. Cos­mic pay­backs are hell.

    I’ll hop over to check your alter ego six now. 🙂

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