Holiday Rush Blog Hop

Wel­come! If you’re just hap­pen­ing across this post, you can begin the offi­cial Hol­i­day Rush Blog Hop by click­ing HERE. Tons of prizes, tons of eye can­dy. What more could you ask for on a win­tery weekend?

Yes­ter­day, as I’m search­ing for the per­fect blog post for this blog hop, I got an email with the fol­low­ing pic­tures. Now, maybe it’s cheat­ing to grig­gs like that, but when I was stress­ing, and the email came in just at that “omigod­whatamIgo­ing­to­post” moment.…I like to think of it as A Gift From Santa.

The fol­low­ing are pic­tures of Christ­mas around the world.  Click on each to view it full sized, they real­ly are beau­ti­ful in imax version.

I hope it’s warm and cozy in your cor­ner of the world.  Leave me a com­ment, telling me which of the above loca­tions would be your dream Hol­i­day trip, and I’ll ran­dom­ly choose one to win a paper­back copy of my first nov­el Wyoming Solace. Good luck, and on with the hop!

36 thoughts on “Holiday Rush Blog Hop

  1. Wow, Alanna–those pho­tos are tru­ly spec­tac­u­lar! The places I’ve been in real life are Tokyo and Trafal­gar Square, and not dur­ing the hol­i­days! I’d love to see them all, in a round-the-world tour, but if I had to choose just one, it’d be Rome! Italy, here I come 😉

  2. These pic­tures are fan­tas­tic!! Makes me want to go see every­one of them. I am real­ly impressed with Arling­ton Cemetary!! I would love to see that depart­ment store in Paris.

  3. Great blog post Alan­na. I love them all! But some­thing about the lit­tle chapel on the bot­tom is com­fort­ing and draws me in. I love it. 🙂

  4. Arling­ton Cemetary!! This is the time of the year to remem­ber those who sac­ri­ficed for us so we can enjoy free­dom. Hap­py Hol­i­days may all your wish­es come true.

  5. Wow, those are beau­ti­ful pic­tures and that glass tree is just amaz­ing. I’m new to your work and would love to win your book. Thanks for the chance and Hap­py Holidays

    1. Con­grats Jolene! chose you as the win­ner! I’m email­ing you now, and I’ll send the print copy of Wyoming Solace as soon as I can.

  6. The pic­tures are love­ly. I was drawn to the chapel in Ger­many’s Kar­wen­del Moun­tains, it just looks so qui­et and peace­ful. Mer­ry Christmas

  7. I had to laugh at “loca­tion unknown. Let’s just pre­tend this is my back­yard”. Too fun­ny!! I would love to go to Prague! My broth­er in-law has trav­eled there sev­er­al times for busi­ness and loved it.

  8. All of those are gor­geous! But since I’m hop­ing for warmer weath­er than what’s here, I choose Madrid Spain.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  9. Great pic­tures! Thanks for shar­ing. I’ve nev­er been to Rus­sia and would love to vis­it Moscow. Even though it would be freez­ing cold, it would be worth it. Mer­ry Christmas!

  10. Thanks every­one for stop­ping by! Con­grats to Jolene for win­ning the print copy of Wyoming Solace. See you all next time!

Whadd'ya think?