Welcome to my blog! You should be here via the Booknibbles tour bar, but if not, just click HERE to get started! We’ve got a plethora of blogs, eye candy, and contests with prizes for you, so I’m glad you’re here to partake in the Holiday goodness.

This is the Christmas Angel. He already knows your naughty side. That’s why he’s here in blue jeans. He’d also like to know where you store your mistletoe.
Thanks for joining us on the Holiday Rush Blog Hop. I hope to see you at the CHAT on Saturday night (7pm EST). Kudos to Michael from Booknibbles for driving this tour bus. On the next screen you’ll find the entry form for your share of a huge grand prize, and also the poll for you to vote for your favorite post/site on the tour. Good luck to all!
Nice angel guy! 🙂 Happy holidays and way to go Book Nibbles guy! I’m hoping to participate next time around 🙂
My mistletoe? 😉 It’s hanging right over head 🙂 I like to keep it handy for angels like you…
Thanks for participating! I love that authors and bloggers have contests for their readers!
Oh he is a hottie..Send him my way.…
Love the Angel in his blue jeans!!! Happy Holidays to everyone and thanks for the great posts, hotties, books.
Happy Holidays!! I’m sad to see the blog tour end!!
One hot angel! Have a Merry Christmas!
Robin V
hot Angel 🙂
Happy Holidays
What a hot christmas angel! Happy Holidays Olivia!!!
Wish he was my own personal angel. 😉
Happy Holidays!
If he already knows my naughty side then he knows he have to frisk me to find it, lol. Thanks for the hop it’s been fun I even fell off the bus a couple times.
Merry Christmas!
I don’t own a misletoe, but I may need to rush out and get one!!!
Very sexy Christmas Angel. Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas!
This was fun!! Thank you so much!!
Merry Christmas!
Please enter me in your wonderful contest. Thank you oh generous one. 🙂
awesome hoilday blog hop tour
happy hoildays
Very sexy Angel.
Nice photo and thanks for another wonderful tour
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Merry Christmas 🙂
smaccall @ comcast.net
have a happy holiday season
Nice picture. I’m off to find my mistletoe.
Thanks for the eye candy! Having lots of fun on this blog hop.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the rare glimpse of a male angel — who just happens to be hot!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday, Olivia.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com