Six Sentence Sunday 11/28/10

Hel­lo! Hope every­one had a great Thanks­giv­ing week! Can you believe it’s over? Bring on the shop­ping, eh?

There are a bunch of short sen­tences here, so I’m post­ing more than six.  Con­tin­u­ing on from last week:

So if your heart isn’t involved it isn’t cheating?”

Exact­ly. I’m not going to divorce you for her. I’ll break it off. She’s noth­ing to me.”

Brynn nar­rowed her eyes. Was the man in need of psy­cho­log­i­cal help? She hadn’t real­ly expect­ed him to read­i­ly admit to his phi­lan­der­ing, and in the same breath ratio­nal­ize it like that. “That’s too bad, because she’s all you have now.” She tried not to smile the way she des­per­ate­ly want­ed to. “Which means you have nothing.”

Have a great week. Be sure to vis­it the rest of the SSS crew at the offi­cial site.

16 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 11/28/10

  1. Her com­po­sure makes this scene. The fact that she keeps her emo­tions under con­trol and tells him the what-for, is engross­ing. I want her to yell and throw some­thing at him, but instead she’s cold and suc­cinct. Next, I hope she says, “Get the hell out.”

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