Six Sentence Sunday 11/21/10

Anoth­er week, anoth­er six from my silent WiP.  They say the squeaky wheel gets the oil, and that’s nev­er more true than WiP choos­ing. If you don’t talk to me, I don’t write you. Got it char­ac­ters? Want me to fin­ish your sto­ry? Well then start talking!

Uh…sorry. On with the post:

            “It didn’t mean any­thing. Just a fling. It’s not like I’m out there falling in love with some­one else.” He fol­lowed her around, back­ing her into the wall.

            Brynn curled her fin­gers. It would­n’t take much to push her into scratch­ing those lines on his face. 

Fin­ish your week­end off with a bang! Don’t for­get to vis­it the rest of the SSS par­tic­i­pants which can be found HERE.

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