Halloween Blog Hop

Wel­come! If you’re just com­ing across this post, be sure to hop on the trick-or-treat bus HERE. I could­n’t find any sexy men dressed as Har­ry Pot­ter, so I’m cel­e­brat­ing my favorite movie and tele­vi­sion villians. 

Okay, first I’ll admit to nev­er see­ing the Vam­pire Diaries. I just know that Ian Somer­halder is dead sexy. (Get it? Dead sexy? I kill me.[Get it? I kill me?!]) Sigh, sor­ry. Ian does weird things to my brain. Mov­ing on:

David Bowie as Jareth in Labyrinth. Pic­tured here with­out the wig and tight tights (Sor­ry).

And of course John­ny Depp in Sweeney Todd. Makes a girl want to join him on the dark side.

Sigh. Angel. Sigh. I don’t know if he qual­i­fies as a vil­lain, or just a dark hero, but can you blame me for post­ing his deli­cious­ness here? I did­n’t think so. Thank God David Bore­anaz found a role on Bones, so I can lust after him weekly.

Okay, that’s all for me. I could have gone on with the sexy vil­lains. There are soooo many out there. Who’s your favorite? No fair choos­ing one of these four. Have a Hap­py Hal­loween! See you in the chat room!

34 thoughts on “Halloween Blog Hop

  1. No fair! I love vil­lains, and I can’t choose just one! Sooooo many vil­lains, so lit­tle time.… (sigh)

  2. I nev­er watched Buffy, but now I’m think­ing I real­ly missed out on Angel. Hmm, maybe I need to rent a few episodes?

  3. My favorite vil­lain would have to be Eric North­man from True­blood even though he can be a good guy and a bad guy, oh so yum­my LOL.

  4. David Bowie as Jareth in Labyrinth still gives me naughty chills… I SO want­ed to get lost and run away with him..

  5. Since we have to pick some­one total­ly dif­fer­ent, I’ll pick Kraven from Under­world. Total­ly a bad guy, but total­ly sexy.

  6. NO FAIR! All my com­ments have to include Angel. There, I men­tioned him now on to a vil­lian .… hmmm, you know, I’m going to say Antho­ny Hop­kins as a vil­lian. He’s old­er but drop dead gor­geous still! Thanks so much for par­tic­i­pat­ing in the blog

  7. Don’t know why my post­ing is not show up. I need to go back and read the instruc­tion. Oh well I could hang out and drool over Angel.

  8. that shot of Sweeney Todd is grac­ing my desk­top for the Hal­loween sea­son. Great minds think alike.
    I came into the Vamp Diaries late last year and watched it all in one fell swoop, admit­ted­ly for Somer­halder’s smirk­ing bad boy. But there are plen­ty of oth­er pret­ty and hand­some men in the show and the action is non­stop. Too bad none of those kids ever crack their text­books though.

  9. Great sug­ges­tions, every­one. Liq­uid Sil­ver Books put out a call for Vil­lain Romances a while ago. I can’t wait to see what ideas the authors come up with. I like dark heroes!

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