Six Sentence Sunday 5/16/10

Anoth­er week’s gone by. I’ve been writ­ing in this WiP every day, but it does­n’t feel like it’s going any­where. I’m hav­ing some plot prob­lems, but I’m sure I’ll come up with some­thing, prob­a­bly at 3:00 am, because that’s how I roll. Con­tin­u­ing on from last week:




What a stu­pid nick­name any­way. Couldn’t the ditz come up with some­thing more original?

Tink…tink….tink. If it were any­one else, Brynn would be annoyed with the irri­tat­ing noise, but she couldn’t seem to stop.

Her image swam in the swirling black­ness. She hadn’t even washed her hair this morn­ing; she pulled it into a pony­tail, but blond strands escaped and tick­led her cheeks. The hair­style along with her youth­ful face helped her blend in to the younger crowd in the down­town Dal­las restau­rant. The lack of make­up didn’t help either.

I’ve seen these peo­ple at restau­rants, stir­ring their cof­fee while glow­er­ing into the depths. I always won­der what’s going on behind those eyes. Usu­al­ly I assume it’s mur­der on the mind. I must watch too much TruTV.

Thanks for join­ing me for anoth­er SSS Ses­sion. See what else is going on at the offi­cial web­site. Have a great week everyone!

2 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 5/16/10

    1. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, what they’re real­ly up to prob­a­bly isn’t near­ly as excit­ing as my imagination.

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